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QUICK START GUIDE TWR-1 English Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide Thank you for purchasing the Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale unit. The Gallagher range of weighing systems is simple, tough, innova ve and reliable. BONUS OFFER Register your product online at www.gallagherams.com to extend your warranty to two years for free. Follow these instruc ons for the setup and first use of the TWR- . Further informa on can be obtained by tapping when displayed on screen. BOX CONTENTS The Gallagher TWR- box contains: • Carry Bag • TWR- weighing unit • 110V - 230V Mains AC adapter • USB cable • USB flash drive • 12V ba ery cable with alligator clips • Mini Serial Adapter (2M1709) • Moun ng bracket and

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TWR-1 - 2

Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide SPECIFICATIONS Opera ng Temperature Environmental Protec on Ra ng Input Voltage Es mated ba ery run me 12 hours 6 hours 3 hours 16 hours 8 hours 4 hours Weigh only Weigh/Read Read only CHARGING THE BATTERY To ensure op mum performance of the TWR- , the internal ba ery may need to be charged for up to 16 hours before first me use. Important: If the TWR- is to be stored for an extended period, this should be in a cool dry place. For op mum ba ery life, store the TWR-1 at 50% capacity. Always charge the ba ery indoors. 1. Connect the power adapter at...

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TWR-1 - 3

Gallagher TWR-1 Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide Find animal Look up and add animal to a session Remove animal On-screen Help Touch to display informafion about the current screen Touch Screen- Tap the screen icons, field names or buttons to view or enter data. Weigh button Records animal weight Zero button Sets the displayed - weight to zero Navigation keys— These buttons can be used to navigate the funcfions of the scale as an alternafive to the touch screen. Weigh screen Footer bar Power button Turn TWR-1 On/Off Home Button Return to the Home screen Change mode from numeric Backspace/Delete...

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TWR-1 - 4

Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide INSTALLATION English Installing the TWRThe TWR- can be placed on a table top or mounted on the bracket supplied. Installing the Scale bracket The bracket can be mounted on a flat ver cal surface, a round post, or a rail. To mount the bracket on a flat ver cal surface, or a round wooden post, use the 4 x tek screws included with the unit. To mount the bracket on either a ver cal or horizontal bar, use the ‘U’ bolts included with the unit. Important: It is not recommended to mount the TWR- bracket on the weighing crate or chute as interac on with the...

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TWR-1 - 5

Gallagher TWR-1 Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide Gallagher TWR-1 Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide Installing the loadbars If using loadbars, follow these steps: 1. Select a weighing site that provides a solid, level and well drained surface. 2. Ensure the loadbars and platform are well secured and clear of any obstructions. 3. Either bolt the loadbars to the concrete pad or locate them on studs set into the concrete. It is important that the loadbars and platform sit flat without any rocking or twisting to avoid weighing inaccuracies. Note: It may be necessary to shim the loadbars or platform to...

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TWR-1 - 6

Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide Installing the Antenna Panel The TWR-1 has an internal reader, that when connected to a Gallagher Antenna panel will capture the Electronic ID tag data. To weigh animals in a crush, you will need: • Gallagher Antenna Panel kit • 4m Antenna Extension Cable G05600 or 6m Antenna Extension Cable G05602 Note: A short adapter cable G05601 may be required on early versions of the Sheep Auto Dra er made prior to 2018. To mount your Antenna panel, refer to the instruc ons included with the panel. Important: Use the defined moun ng holes, because drilling...

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Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide FIRST TIME START-UP To change any of these se ngs later, they can be accessed via Se ngs right of the Home screen. The first me the TWR- is powered on, the First Time Start-Up screen will display. Tap the screen to update the language, me, date and weight fields as required and then tap Save. displayed in For more informa on about this screen or any TWR- screen, tap the top right corner of the screen. This will display the On-screen Help with more informa on about what you see on the screen. Note: The naviga on keys on the keypad can be used at any...

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TWR-1 - 8

Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide CONNECTING EQUIPMENT TO THE TWR-1 Connecting to Wireless Loadbars English On the TWR-1, tap Se ngs > Equipment Connec ons > Loadbars > Wireless. The TWR-1 will search for the loadbars. When the loadbars have been located, tap to select them from the list, then tap Connect. Note: As per the Wireless Loadbar Installa on instruc ons, your loadbars must be switched on and in range to display in the search list. The connec on process will take up to 30 seconds while pairing occurs between the loadbars and the TWR-1. Once completed, tap Done. Create a...

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Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide Refer to Bluetooth – Connect EID Reader in the TWR-1 On-screen Help or your EID Reader User Manual for further informa on on pairing the reader. Connecting to a Drafter/Sorter To connect the TWR- to a dra er, use the data cables supplied with your dra er. Refer to your Dra er User Manual for more informa on. 1. Turn On the TWR- . 2. 3. On the TWR- , tap Se ngs > Equipment Connec ons > Dra er. Specify the type of dra er that is being connected, to complete the setup. If your dra er is not listed, tap Create Custom and follow the configura on wizard...

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Gallagher TWR- Weigh Scale Quick Start Guide If using the internal reader, the animal’s Electronic ID will be scanned, or you can scan with a hand-held reader and record the animal’s Visual Tag Number. Note: The internal reader will only read a tag when loadbars are connected and weight is detected on the weighing pla orm. If weighing in AUTO - Automa c weight lock, the scale will lock on to the weight and hold it on the screen un l the animal leaves the pla orm. If weighing in MAN - Manual weight lock, you must first press Weigh When the weight becomes stable, it will lock. Important: If...

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