
connected manometer TECHNICAL SHEET PRESSURE MONITORING Irrigation-uniformity analysis Network anomaly detection Pre-determined pressure thresholds GROUND WATER-STATUS MONITORING Pre-determined thresholds Abnormal peak / drop in pressure Start & end of irrigation
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T E CH NI C A L S P E C I F I C ATIO N S • Wireless – Operates using the Lora low power network • Plug & Play – The hardware you receive is already configured • Universal - Fits on your existing irrigation system Communication box with the platform. - Weight: 277g - Dimensions: 8cm x 7.5cm x 9cm - Operating temperature: 0.1°C to 50°C - Compatible: LoRaWAN 1.0.2 - Case: IP66 - Battery: exchangeable Lifetime of more than 2 years with one transmission every 10 minutes in SF12 - Interval between two measurements can be customised according to needs - Guarantee: the time of the subscription -...
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Technical sheet Agromote
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