
R O OTSTO C K Breeding and Producing Organic Seeds Organic Rootstocks • Uniform Germination • High Percentage Graftable Plants • Strong Vigor & Endurance • Disease Resistance Tomato Rootstocks Using the right rootstock can significantly increase yields and provide excellent disease resistance for organic growers. Estamino F1 Estamino delivers a well-balanced plant with strong vigor and good generative growth. Estamino’s generative properties encourage high fruit production without excessive vegetative growth. This variety is flexible and can work in a variety of growing mediums and conditions. Plants grafted to Estamino will have steady production and fruit size until the end of the cultivation cycle. This is definitely a rootstock for growers that have issues with controlling excessive vegetative growth in their crops. Unheated hoop house growers in Northern climates will experience better yields over a longer harvest period using this rootstock. All growers will benefit from Estamino’s excellent disease package which includes Tomato Mosaic Virus*, Leaf Mold*, Verticillium, Fusarium and Nematode resistance! Cultivation: Soil & Substrate Crops, Heated & Unheated Greenhouses, Short & Long Cycles Recommended for use with: All types including small fruited, cluster and single pick types. Resistances: HR: ToMV:0-2*/Ff:A-E*/Pl/Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0-2/For. IR: TSWV*/Ma/Mi/Mj. Fortamino F1 Fortamino was developed for unheated and heated growing conditions. Fortamino is a somewhat generative rootstock with the ability to provide plants with the added support they need at transplant. The strong root system of Fortamino gives extra vegetative power to the plants in the early stages of growth, ensuring excellent leaf cover and recovery after stress conditions. For this reason, Fortamino is especially valuable when transplanting into hot growing conditions. Grafting cultivars onto Fortamino has a positive effect on the number of flowers per truss, resulting in longer trusses. In our studies, results showed Fortamino produced a higher average fruit weight. In addition, Fortamino provides an exceptional disease resistance package. Cultivation: Soil & Substrate Crops, Unheated Greenhouse & Open Field, Short & Long Cycles Recommended for use with: All types especially cluster/truss types. Resistances: HR: ToMV:0-2*/Ff:A-E*/Pl/Va:0/Vd:0/Fol:0-2/For. IR: TSWV*/Ma/Mi/Mj. *Note: Rootstocks resistant to ToMV, Ff, and TSWV will not give resistance to susceptible scion varieties as these are not soil borne
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Cucurbit Rootstocks - For use with Cucumbers, Melons and Watermelons Flexifort F1 Secure your crops against disease and stress by grafting with Flexifort. Use of Flexifort rootstock is recommended for cucumber, melon and watermelon growers seeking longer, healthier crops. This rootstock brings increased vigor and a high return of first quality fruits. Flexifort is an interspecific Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschata cross that combines nicely with a wide number of varieties. It is resistant against several soil borne diseases, and provides improved tolerance to abiotic stresses such as...
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