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PGA Portable Gas Analyser Simple, reliable field absolute analyser for a variety of geoscience applications Single or dual gas analyser Large range of gases Battery portable Sample pump Simple to use Gases Include: Carbon Dioxide Methane Oxygen Carbon Monoxide Selectivity, sensitivity and repeatability The PGA Portable Gas Analyser is a self-contained portable measurement device for a wide range of geoscience research applications. It is available for measuring a wide number of gases in a wide variety measurement ranges. One gas, such as CO2, can be measured by single beam infrared technology providing unparalleled selectivity, sensitivity and repeatability for such a portable device. For measuring a second gas, such as oxygen the PGA can be fitted with an electrochemical analysis cell. The PGA features an integral sample pump and an autozero. The PGA is simple to use and calibrate. RS232 is provided for real time monitoring and recording. True field portability The new PGA is the latest addition to the ADC BioScientific range of Geoscience research analysers. Weighing just 5kg and offering 8 hours of continuous use, the battery operated PGA is set to offer new levels in portability and performance for a field portable gas analyser. CO2 analysis Probably the most commonly analysed gas in related geoscience, environmental science and atmospheric science studies is CO2. The PGA is available in ranges from 0-2000ppm CO2 to 0-100% with a resolution of 0.5% full scale deflection (fsd). This corresponds to10ppm resolution for the 0-2000ppm instrument. The PGA suitable for a wide range of experimental studies including elevated CO2 studies, atmospheric CO2 monitoring, FACE experimentation and measuring high concentrations in natural CO2 springs.
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Gases & Ranges PGA Gas Ranges Specification Measurement technique: Non-dispersive infrared absorption with solid state detector. Measurement range: Up to 100% for gases and saturation concentrations for vapours. Resolution: 0.5% fsd Repeatability: +/- 1.0% fsd Noise: 0.5% fsd PGA Gas Circuit with oxygen cell fitted Span stability: 0.5% fsd over 24 hours Response time: Typically 4 seconds to T90 dependent on cell size. Flow rate: Typically 0.2 - 1 litre per minute Operating temperature range: 5oC - 40oC Battery: Rechargeable 3.2Ah lead acid allowing 8 hours of continuous operation....
Abrir la página 2 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos ADC BioScientific
ADC BioScientific
11 Páginas
SRS T series
2 Páginas
EGA30 Wall Mounted Analyser
2 Páginas
PSP32 Monitoring Fluorometer System
2 Páginas
Plant Stress Kit
2 Páginas
OS30p+ Plant Stress Meter
2 Páginas
OS5p+ Advanced Modulated Fluorometer
4 Páginas
CCM-300 Chlorophyll Content Meter
2 Páginas
AM350 Portable Leaf Area Meter
2 Páginas
Automated Soil CO 2 Exchange System
6 Páginas
Soil Respiration Chamber
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
EGA30 series
2 Páginas
EGA 41 series
2 Páginas