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Soil Testing
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Soil and Water Test Kits Soil Testing KitsPalintest Soil Test Kits are reliable testing tools for optimising crop yields and preventing inefficient fertilizer use. They allow in-field testing of soil samples comparable to standard laboratory methods but in a fraction of the time. SK100 Soil pH and Lime Requirement pH tests plus test to calculate lime requirement (CaC03), using visual colour comparison. Key Features • Portable - for agronomists, farmers and fertiliser professionals. • Simple to use soil reagent tablets give reliable results - without soil analysis training. • Visual testing...
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SOIL COMPACTION TESTER Soil Sampling SOIL SAMPLING AUGERS The Martin Lishman soil compaction tester is a robust, stainless steel penetrometer with pressure gauge. It helps identify compaction layers, measure soil firmness and contributes to essential soil management decisions. Key Features • Built-in pressure gauge - colour coded to give compaction pressure readings at different depths. Re-fillable oil chamber. • Stainless steel probe - 75cm long with 10cm graduation marks. Supplied with two tips for firm and soft soil and integral tip storage device. • Strong, anodised aluminium housing...
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Soil and Water Test Kits SK100 Soil pH and Lime (Product Code: SOIL/ST/SKIOO) Soiltester, reagents for 50 of each test, sample preparation accessories, hard carry case SK200 Soil pH, Lime, NPK (Product Code: SOIL/ST/SK200) Soiltesters, reagents for 50 of each test, sample preparation accessories, shoulder bag SK300 Soil pH, Lime, NPK, Mg, Ca, EC (Product Code:SOIL/ST/SK300) Soiltesters, reagents for 50 of each test, pocket conductivity sensor, calibration standard, sample preparation accessories, shoulder bag and hard carry case SKW400 Soil pH, Lime, NPK, Mg, Ca, EC, Salinity...
Abrir la página 4 del catálogoTodos los catálogos y folletos técnicos Martin Lishman Ltd.
Crop Quality
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Moisture Meters
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4 Páginas
4 Páginas
Compact Sprayers
8 Páginas