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BGP 3000L PRUNER - 1

CimaPotatrice ' Pruning Machine Maquina Para La Poda Machine Pour L'Elagage Offkma Meccanica SCHEDA TECNICA BGP 3000L Pruning Machine BGP 3000L Technical Data Sheet Ficha Tecnica Maquina Para La Poda BGP 3000L Donnees Techniques Machine Pour L'Elagage BGP 3000L Modello depositato (brevetto n° PCT/IB2013/055165) - Filed model (patent no. PCT/IB2013/055165) - Modelo registrado (patente n° PCT/IB2013/055165) - Modele depose (brevet n° PCT/IB2013/055165) ~D 626 mm (24.6 in) Le illustrazioni e le caratteristiche tecniche sono puramente indicative e non impegnative. Qualsiasi modifica di carattere tecnico o commerciale sara effettuata senza obbligo di preavviso. The illustrations and the technicalcharacteristics are purely indicative and not binding. Any modification of a technical or commercial character will be made without obligation of prior notice. Las imagenes y las caracteristicas tecnicas son meramente indicativas y no vinculantes. Cualquier modification de tipo tecnico o comercial se realizara sin obligation alguna de aviso previo. Les illustrations et les specifications sont a titre indicatif et non contraignant. Toute modification de l'activite technique ou commerciale sera effectuee sans preavis. TRATTRICI CONSIGLIATE - RECOMMENDED TRACTORS - TRACTORES RECOMENDADOS - TRACTEURS CONSEILLES Questo disegno e le sue informazioni sono di proprieta della ditta B e G, ogni riproduzione e vietata. Qualsiasi trasgressione sara perseguita a norma delle leggi vigenti. This drawing and its information are the property of B e G Company, and any reproduction is prohibited. Any transgression will be punished according with the laws in force. Este dibujo y la informacion contenida son propiedad de la empresa B e G, queda prohibido todo tipo de reproduction. Cualquier violacion sera perseguida con arreglo a la legislation vigente. Cette conception et son information sont la propriete de la societe B e G, toute reproduction est interdite. Toute violation sera poursuivie en vertu des lois existantes.

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BGP 3000L PRUNER - 2

Officina Meccanica Officina Meccanica Cimapotatrici - Pruning Machines Provided equipment • impianto idraulico indipendente • consolle di comando a distanza per le leve • impianto di raffreddamento olio • valvole di regolazione controllo su tutti i movimenti • moltiplicatore • flangia standard • independent hydraulic plant • remote console • oil cooler • hydraulic valves for controlling all movements • speed increaser geared box • universal mount • 3 point attachment for reversible tractors • electro-hydraulic controls + joystick • installation of the machine by the manufacturer and short...

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Todos los catálogos y folletos técnicos OFFICINA MECCANICA B E G SRL


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  5. BGP 3000A PRUNER

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  7. barra-leggera

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  8. barra-media

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  9. barra-pesante

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  10. Pruner BGP 3000A

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  11. Pruner BGP 6500A

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  12. Pruner BGP 4000DV

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