Extractos del catálogo

Roof Exhaust Fans Grain Aeration System Protect Your Grain, Anytime, Anywhere. The SAFE-GRAIN power roof exhaust fan is designed to sweep moisture laden air from the underside of bin and silo roofs before condensation can occur. Roof exhaust fans and makeup air gravity vents allow the exhaust fans to move additional air under the bin roof. The additional air provides a sweeping effect to remove potential condensation from the underside of the silo roof. Exhaust fans are often run without main fans on hot and humid summer days to prevent condensation. 692 NOTCHED SERIES Fits over the roof rib. 699 TAPERED SERIES Fits between the roof ribs 690 FLAT ROOF SERIES Available with either TEFC or Class II, Group G motors Cast aluminum fan blades 16 gauge galvanized housing with aluminum shutters. Sloped roof fan models are available up to 10,200 CFM Flat roof fan models are available up to 32,000 CFM Actuators for fumigation 417 Wards Corner Rd., Loveland, OH, 45140
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