Extraits du catalogue

• 50 years of French experience and innovation Innovating and adapted solutions • Center pivot specialist since 1965: first European manufacturer • Pionnier of the hippodrome linear, patended in 1974 • on all soil types • following the relief • on all crops. RAIN LINER 4x4 AGS Optimize water, energy and investment Our machines irrigate worldwide. The linear and pivot machines are known to consume 3-4 times less energy than other more conventional irrigation systems. Our engineering department designs and manufactures your machines taking into account all your parameters to be the closest to...
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The pivot or linear machine can be fixed or towable, diesel or electrical energy. The composition is the same with more or less spans and a fixed or swing boom overhang. Only management is different. Our pivot and linear machine are hot galvanized steel, standard NF in ISO 1461. Ferti-irrigation / chimigation possible with the pivot or linear machine. The installation includes a metering pump, a storage tank with agitator. Specifications Spans lengths (m) sugar cane Mini / Maxi clearance Maxi slope Overhang (fixed or swing) The fixed overhang (PAF) or swing boom overhang (PAFE) allows to...
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Center pivots Fixed or towable the center is anchored to a concrete base. The fixed or towable pivot, is the most economical irrigation system, saving energy and labour. It can be equipped with a standard panel or AGS. Fixed pivot Towable pivot In electric, diesel or solar version, the center pivot is configured in full circle or sector. It is the central point by which water is conveyed in the spans. The spans turn around the center pivot. It is provided with a collector when it is in full circle. When the pivot is in sector, there is no collector, but a safety stop on tower and a safety...
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Linear move systems Our linear machine: -until 1400 m length with pumping on canal. - until 600m length with soft hose or PE on ground with slope (<10%). - Flow until 720m3/h. Hippodrome machine Water supply of the linear machine The hippodrome machine can irriguate in linear or in linear/circular with an automatic double sprinkler package. The alignment of the spans is managed by a double action cable system and by a coder located on the cart for the management of the angles. It is carried out either from a canal, or by hose connected to the hydrants, spaced from/to each other according to...
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AGS - Aqua Gestion System Saving water, energy and labor costs • Last automat Schneider. • Easy to program, with colour touch screen. • Gives spans location with a 0,1 degree precision. • Precise control: end guns, swing booms, reverse points… • Adjust water application depths on different areas, depending on the soil and crops. • Indicates why the system stops, with the faulty tower number. • Timer, base of 15 to 120 second, useful for fertilization and chimigation. • Hour counter (dual) total and watering time. • Memorizes the programs of the different fields where the systems works. •...
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R.C. Le Mans 327.592.051. Non-contractual document. Conception : [Okaparka]. Crédits photos : 2IE - Fotolia - DR. Impression : ITF imprimeurs.
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