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360 YIELD SAVER Sell - 1

DON’T LET YIELD FALL THROUGH THE CRACKS You’ve spent the growing season doing everything to increase yield and grow the best crop possible, so why leave that hard work behind in the field? Traditional deck plates and gathering chains have gaps that result in kernel loss. The intermeshing bristles of 360 YIELD SAVER eliminate those gaps to capture significantly more kernels. 360 YIELD SAVER also improves header management. Without compromising header speed to minimize loss, you can optimize head and feederhouse speed to ground speed and crop flow. Because 360 YIELD SAVER also captures nubbins and undersized ears, you also have the capability and flexibility to adjust deck plate spacing. All trademarks are the property of 360 Yield Center, its affiliates and/or its licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2017 360 Yield Center. All rights reserve

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360 YIELD SAVER Sell - 2

Angled, intermeshing bristles fit together in a way that allows for more kernel capture. In this demonstration, a flag was placed near each kernel lost due to header loss. Yellow flags are from the 360 YIELD SAVER side of the head, red flags from the conventional gathering chains. REDUCE HEADER LOSS BY 80% Increase ROI with 360 YIELD SAVER, which in side-by-side tests was shown to save 80% of header loss. At this rate of savings, 360 YIELD SAVER can pay for itself within the first season and generate more than a 75% ROI after three years of use. Consider that return on investment for a...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) 360 Yield Center