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MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR FERTILITY INVESTMENTS WITH 360 SOILSCAN , LIMUS NITROGEN MANAGEMENT, AND 360 Y-DROP ® Sense the signals your farm is sending with 360 SOILSCAN, a portable soil testing system, means you know exactly what your fields need in terms of fertility and when they need it! The 360 SOILSCAN provides fast and accurate field-side testing of soil nitrate and pH in as little as 5 minutes. Protect your nitrogen investment with Limus Nitrogen Management. Nitrogen can be lost through volatilization: on average, only 50 percent of total applied nitrogen is taken up by a plant, and that rate can drop to as low as 20 percent under certain conditions. The loss of nitrogen can starve crops of needed nutrients, jeopardizing plant health and yield potential. Applying nitrogen where and when the crop needs it is a great way to optimize your nitrogen investment. And since corn uses 75 percent of nitrogen after the V10 stage, a late-season nitrogen application can help you improve yield in ways you haven’t been able to before. The 360 Y-DROP gives you more control over when and where you apply nitrogen to your crops – now even up to tassel. Nitrogen is applied directly at the base of the plants next to the stalks ensuring maximum nitrogen uptake! Targets nitrogen application directly at the stalk

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Four Steps in Five Minutes 360 SOILSCAN® provides accurate soil nitrate readings based on parts per million. Enjoy field-side resulits in about five minutes: Step 1 Take soil sample from your field Step 2 Using the scoop provided, place two scoops of soil into a standard Dixie cup and place it in the mixing station Step 3 Mix soil and water into a slurry Step 4 Analyze the soil with 360 SOILSCAN and determine the amount of nitrate ions present Analyze soil Mode of Action Urease is an extracellular enzyme found in all soils that can bind to urea and hydrolyze it into ammonia gas. Limus®...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) 360 Yield Center