Extraits du catalogue

CIMA CONTROL CATTLE Control in motion Fast and stress-free electronic system for cattle control in motion.
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CIMA CONTROL CATTLE Assistance tool for managing the recovery process. Calves The daily growth of the heifer to weaning determines its future milk production. 250 x 70 Heifers First mating at the ideal age and weight ensures higher breeding profitability. 300 x 70
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CIMA CONTROL CATTLE Indispensable for cattle breeding. Cows Pre-postpartum controls. Beef cattle Improve conversion rates. Uniformity for slaughter. 300 x 70
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CIMA CONTROL CATTLE Who controls, improves. PLATFORMS DIMENSIONS ELECTRIC CONTROL UNIT EXPORTABLE REPORTS WITH DATA OF EACH CATTLE Suitable for all types of cattle. • Die-cast aluminum container • Backlit LCD screen of 5.7" • Highly sensitive membrane keyboard • Power supply with plug • Connectors • Connecting cable • Battery for 8 hours of operation • USB input
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Identification of cattle in motion Cima Control Cattle.CIMA IDENTIFICATION is an accessory of Cima Control Cattle that allows the identification of cattle by reading the electronic ear tag and it is composed by: COMMAND UNIT: • Connected to the Cima Control Cattle unit and to the reading antenna • Equipped with internal battery, light and sound signals for ANTENNA: • Fixed on a stainless steel antenna bracket installed on the Cima Control Cattle • Reading of the auricular tag tag acquisition, light signal for "ok" operation and button for control and adjustment EXAMPLE OF A REGISTRATION...
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CIMA AUTOMATIC MARKER Marking cattle in motion with Cima Control Cattle. CIMA AUTOMATIC MARKER is a Cima Control Cattle accessory for marking cattle with a color spray to allow visual selection of the animals. COMMAND UNIT: Connects to the Cima Control Cattle central and manages from 1 to 4 tags. MANAGEMENT PROGRAM: It is possible to establish 4 types of selection according to the weight for each Tag. • Weight > (above ...) e.g. 400kg, cattle weighing more than 400kg will be marked. • Weight < (under ...) e.g. 400kg, cattle weighing less than 400kg will be marked. • Weight > < (between the...
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CIMA WI-FI HUB Files transfer of Cima Control Cattle . CIMA WI-FI HUB is an interconnection accessory to transfer weighing data to the WEB APP remotely. It will allow you to: View control unit screen, with the possibility of closing weighing and naming it View and download weighing database files by group View and download individual weighing database Automatic calibration Parameter setting for Cima Automatic Marker and Cima Automatic OPEN-API solution for data acquisition by the most common breeding management systems CIMA CONTROL CATTLE
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 7Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) CIMA
Pompes à soupe
2 Pages
Cima Control Cattle
7 Pages
7 Pages
Computer Cima
1 Pages