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CONTROL-X MEDICAL FLAATZ DIGITAL X-RAY DETECTORS Digital Imaging for the Future Control-X Medical offers DRTECH's FLAATZ 750E and 560 as part of their APEX DR product line. DRTECH's FLAATZ 750E and 560 offer direct digital imaging through the use of selenium technology, which produces high quality, very clear images. If in need of a digital detector that guarantees high performance, the FLAATZ 750E and 560 are a great choice when searching for a new digital radiographic system or just a retrofit package to convert your existing conventional system to digital.

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CONTROL-X MEDICAL FLAATZ DIGITAL X-RAY DETECTORS For more information, please visit our website at www.cxmed.com or contact your local authorized distributor. Control-X Medical 1755 Atlas Street Columbus, OH 43228, USA Tel: 1-614-777-9729 E-mail: sales@cxmed.com Web: www.cxmed.com © 2012, Control-X Medical. All rights reserved. The manufacturer reserves the right to change specifications and features without notice.

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