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Some things simply belong together...
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Such as the Eliet DZC 600 overseeder and Limagrain Advanta Renova overseeding seed! Advanta and Eliet join forces for an important mission: ‘The renovation of private lawns.’ Through pooling their professional know-how - Advanta as a distributor of high-quality grass seed and Eliet as a manufacturer of lawn care equipment - they aim to improve the poor quality of the average private lawn. Every lawn suffers from the consequences of ageing as the years go by. Grass plants die and species disappear, reducing the density of the growth. As a result, more and more unwanted guests such as weeds...
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LAWN ADVICE A GOOD START IS HALF THE BATTLE! The lawn is the centrepiece of the garden, a place where people pass their time and children play. The grass also provides a green background which contrasts with flowering plants and enhances their beauty. A beautiful lawn is a reflection of the dedication of its owner or garden contractor, who dutifully fertilise and mow the grass. However, there are other factors that affect the appearance of your lawn. The pH value is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen ions (H+). The more there are of these ions, the more acidic the soil and the...
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LAWN MAINTENANCE LAWN MAINTENANCE IS MORE THAN JUST MOWING The maintenance of the average lawn is all too often limited to mowing. The result of unbalanced maintenance without fertilisation is that the turf ages and loses vitality and diversity. Many grass plants die off, and the density of the vegetation reduces systematically. All kinds of organic waste (leaves, grass clippings, etc.) combine to build up a layer of thatch. Weed seeds germinate and are given free rein to develop rapidly. This creates an ideal breeding ground for mosses. Over time the grass begins to suffer, and the decline...
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OVERSEEDING WITH ELIET AND ADVANTA PROACTIVE LAWN MANAGEMENT Every spring, garden contractors are faced with lawns overgrown with moss. Customers want to see this problem solved, but there are usually tight budget constraints. If lawn management is not carried out proactively, you will be confronted with ageing turf within 2 or 3 years of sowing. Then there are two options. If the grass has problems in addition to being overgrown with moss, such as subsidence, then it is better to completely replace it. One option is to lay turf, which gives quick results, but is the more expensive...
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HOW SHOULD A LAWN BE RENOVATED? Aged lawn Lawn renovation involves more than just sowing new grass seed between the existing grass. Proper preparation and aftercare is crucial for a good result. Good timing is also essential, as described below. Then the lawn can be overseeded quickly and professionally with an overseeder. The machine creates a seedbed by cutting grooves in the soil of the lawn into which seed is injected. For guaranteed success, the right seed must be chosen, preferably Advanta Renova overseeding seed. Then the soil is compacted so that the seed is kept safely in the soil....
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ADVANTA RENOVA DOORZAAIZAAD DOORZAAIEN MET HET JUISTE ZAADMENGSEL: ADVANTA RENOVA Advanta staat voor een excellente grassengenetica, afgestemd op de eisen van de moderne tijd. Rassen worden ontwikkeld om onder druk van tijd, budget en veranderende groei- en klimaatomstandigheden maximaal te presteren. Naar gelang van het gebruiksdoel worden de componenten voor de mengsels zorgvuldig uitgekozen op basis van tal van criteria zoals bv. snelle zodevorming, goede betredingsresistentie, vlot herstel, stressbestendigheid, enz. Renova is een mengsel speciaal ontworpen en samengesteld voor de...
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HEADSTART GOLD, GRAS MET INGEBOUWDE VOORSPRONG Headstart GOLD is een prestatieverhogende zaadcoating die beschikbaar is op alle Advanta-kwaliteitsmengsels (AQM). De werking is 100% natuurlijk op basis van het plantenhormoon cytokinine, enzymen en biostimulatoren die de aanvoer van vocht en voedingsstoffen in betere banen leiden. Vooral tijdens de vestiging geeft dit een voorsprong. Het gazon zal sneller en gelijkmatiger kiemen, groeien en aanslaan, intensiever en dieper wortelen en eerder gesloten zijn. Headstart Gold geeft u als professional de zekerheid van succes. Deze coating is enkel...
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ELIET DZC 600 OVERSEEDER Eliet has been advocating the importance of overseeding and proactive lawn management for many years. The new DZC 600 overseeder from Eliet makes hi-tech overseeding possible at an affordable price. Since new grass seed is introduced between the vegetation of the existing lawn when overseeding, it is essential for the success of the treatment that the seed can germinate as quickly as possible and that growth opportunities are maximised. In addition to using appropriate machinery, good soil preparation is equally important. You can find more information on this on...
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EASE OF USE AND EFFICIENCY Overseeding is a very efficient method for treating lawns. Work can begin after clearing up following an intensive scarification operation. The DZC600 is very easy to operate. Although the overseeder has a working width of 550mm, it is very compact in size and easy to operate thanks to its powered roller. All operating controls are mounted on the handlebars, such as blade engagement, drive controls, turning on seed distribution, lowering to working depth etc. The rejuvenation of a lawn is easy to quantify, the travel speed is constant thanks to the powered wheels,...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 11Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) ELIET EUROPE
Turfaway 600
2 Pages
Prof 6
2 Pages
C550 ZR Collector
2 Pages
Maestro City/Country
8 Pages
Mega Prof
9 Pages
Snow Bob 9018
14 Pages
Snow Bob 8014
2 Pages
Edge Styler STD + PRO
12 Pages
KS 300 PRO
4 Pages
DZC 600
12 Pages
Truck Loader
12 Pages
36 Pages
8 Pages
Super Prof
24 Pages
Edge Styler Plus
3 Pages
9 Pages
E 600 compactor flyer
2 Pages
8 Pages
Minor 4S & Major 4S
2 Pages
GZC 750/1000
16 Pages
Maestro City electro
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages
5 Pages
Edge Styler PRO & STD
12 Pages
DZC 550/750
16 Pages