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Olives - 1


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Olives - 2

BACKGROUND • The history of olive cultivation dates back to 3000 BC. For thousands of years, olives have played an important role in our diet, in cosmetics and are used to produce burning oil for lamps. • Olive growing is divided into two main categories: olive oil production and table olives. • The growing demand for olive oil promotes the development of the modern irrigated olive orchards and higher density plantations. • The olive features in Mediterranean cultures, such as Spain, Greece, Italy, France and Morocco. In the United States, California has the largest area of cultivated...

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Olives - 3

GROWING CONDITIONS Areas with optimal climate for olive growing Although these latitudes are ideal for olive cultivation, olives can be grown in any area meets the necessary climatic conditions. CLIMATE AND GROWING CYCLE Olive trees thrive in hot summers (up to 45˚C) and cool winters with 200-300 hours of temperatures below 12˚ C. High humidity may cause diseases. Frost conditions below -5˚C may damage young shoots. Spring rains or hot, dry conditions during blossoming can cause flower and bud abscission, resulting in decreased yields. In spring the temperature rises, prompting a wave of...

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Olives - 4

PLANTING Two factors should be taken into account with tree spacing: convenient access for harvest and optimal exposure to light; a key requirement for flowering and growth. In the past, non-irrigated groves were planted at a wide spacing of 10 m x 10 m (100 trees per hectare). Today, the emphasis is on commercial orchards, which benefit from all the modern technological advances in agriculture and irrigation. These include: multiplying the number of trees per hectare, developing new varieties, applying advanced irrigation and fertigation systems, and mechanical harvesting. Typical tree...

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Olives - 5

IRRIGATION AND FERTIGATION IRRIGATION EFFECT ON YIELD AND QUALITY The hardy olive tree has survived for centuries, bearing fruit without additional water or nutrients. However, its growth is slow and yields are low and irregular. Studies show that correct application of water and fertilizers, which are adapted to the tree’s needs, result in greater leaf surface area, facilitating photosynthesis and transpiration throughout the entire growing period. This leads to increased total production per tree, substantially increasing fruit weight, volume and pulppit ratio. Although oil percentage in...

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Olives - 6

REGULATED DEFICIT IRRIGATION (RDI) This irrigation technique is based on creating water stress during those phonological stages in which the yield quantity will be least affected. The objectives of RDI are to increase the quality parameters and reduce water and energy consumption. With olives grown for oil production, creating water stress leads to higher polyphenol content in the oil produced. These important ingredients not only contribute to the sensorial parameters, but also to oil stability and resistance to oxidation. The recommended period for creating such deficit is during...

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Olives - 7

CRITICAL GROWING STAGES FOR IRRIGATION In hot, dry days during blooming, irrigate for a few hours in the middle of the day, even if an irrigation dose was given before. This is in order to raise humidity, thus preventing flower drop. High soil moisture must be maintained during three critical growing stages: 1. Spring – the blooming stage 2. Flowering and fruit set 3. Fruit ripening – shorter irrigation intervals to fill the fruits before harvest Critical stages for irrigation under Mediterranean conditions March l April May l June l July l August l September l October l November l December...

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Olives - 8

FERTILIZATION GUIDELINES GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MATURE ORCHARDS Nitrogen: Fertilization with 200-300 kg pure N per hectare, combined with irrigation. Apply 25% of the quantity in the spring. Apply the remainder continuously throughout the summer to encourage new growth. Phosphorus: Fertilization with 30-80 kg/ha P2O5, especially in light soils or when foliar analysis indicates a deficiency. Use phosphoric acid, which also helps clean the irrigation system. Potassium: Fertilization with 200-300 kg/ha of K2O, combined with irrigation. In light and medium soil, spread the fertilizer...

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Olives - 9

NAANDANJAIN IRRIGATION SOLUTIONS Because growers face varying conditions and challenges, NaanDanJain offers a wide range of irrigation and fertigation solutions. Our experienced team will help you find the ultimate solution to fit all your needs. When choosing an irrigation method for olive orchards, bear these facts in mind: • The effective root zone is at a depth of 0-40 cm and is widely spread around the tree. • Olive trees are highly sensitive to lack of oxygen, so avoid long periods of saturation. • Olive trees can be irrigated with relatively salty water, but it is important to leach...

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Olives - 10

SUBSURFACE DRIP IRRIGATION (SDI) Advantages • Free cultivation and machinery movement in all directions • Protection from damage by machinery, animals, harvesting and cultivation • Water and fertilizer saving due to optimum nutrient absorption • Dry soil surface prevents weed growth • For variable topography or long laterals, use AmnonDrip PC AS • For plot design that doesn’t require PC drippers, use non PC dripper AmnonDrip PC & PC AS • Pressure-compensating dripline for long laterals and variable topography • Self-cleaning cascade labyrinth • Anti-siphon (prevention of dirt suction) for...

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Olives - 11

MICRO-SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Advantages • Simple unit operation and inspection during irrigation • Moderation of extreme climatic conditions (frost or heat wave) • Creation of larger moisture storage in supplementary irrigation conditions • Prevention of soil erosion • Improved manure absorption in organic orchard cultivation • Highly resistant to clogging • Effective for salt leaching • Wetted area is widely spread in correlation to the olive root zone 2002 AquaSmart • Flow-regulated micro-sprinkler • Uniform irrigation and fertigation in all topographical conditions • Olive model with 28-95...

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Naandan Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd

  1. Oil Palm

    12 Pages


    8 Pages


    8 Pages

  4. spark -long

    4 Pages

  5. Spark-short

    1 Pages

  6. Accessories

    16 Pages

  7. Potato

    8 Pages

  8. ONION

    8 Pages

  9. CORN

    8 Pages

  10. Olive Orchards

    12 Pages


    8 Pages


    8 Pages

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