Water solution for pivot
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Water solution for pivot

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Catalog 目录 1. PUMP 水泵(P3-P43) 2. VALVE 阀门(P44-P88) 3. WATER HUMMER PROTECTION 水锤防护(P89-P98) 4. uPVC PIPE (p99- P127) 5. HDPE

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End Suction Centrifugal Pump

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H[m]_I___J__L_J__J__I_I _L_I_J_LJ_ Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation SftfatfaW. Nominal diameter(mm) of impeller Drainage diamctcr(mm) Suction diamctcr(inm) End suction centrifugal pump

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Single Stage Double Suction Split Casing Centrifugal Pumps

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Volute easing Casi iron Ni—resist cast iron Dun'tle casi irun Cnrbon steal Stainloss stool Duplex stair loss stoc Cast iron Ni-resist cast iron Stainless steel Duplex stairless stem Stainless steel Wear ring Cast iron Ni resist cast iron Duc:iio cast iron Stainless steel Process Quench water, stripper bottoms, water circulation, cooling tower Pulp & Paper Primary and secondary cleaner, filtrate, mill water supply, fan pump, shower Primary Metals Cooling water, quench and leaching Municipal High lift, low lift, wash water, waste water, raw water Power Generation Cooling tower, component...

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$ Design Features and Advantages a Heavy duty ehaft comiila-aly Baated ard dry b. Short and rigid wilh negligible vibrations p. RepliiceaSk shah proiec-ling a DPVPS u Na threads BXPD&KJ to pumped m«cr um. Irjng ofwriir'ng lilt* anrj ru i;jrrc>5ion '. Quick rtnc cn^ ttsscirtblwUisrriftriMirig uT Ihft ntfc* ccunpono^ra C=JS to oiftjiicpiiv pnftiW40 rj MaxliTiLirn irylr^c-Tan ^ability sliatts dflslac hniir-fr series tor PSOTIrpm and Ulsnrnih maael Juat six sna.1:a ancr six Geanrgs- ?.a5fimDlie3 n. COrKniter-OplirYiliCG double Cnfoy impflllCrS U. Minimal J.mal IhnJJh dufl '-0 fTOuHk) C-rtfrv...

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Stainless Steel Multistage Deep-Well Submersible Pump Irrigation SftfatfaW.

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-Rattd flow [nrVhl -Slainkss S\cc'. Multistage Dtcp-Well Submersible Pum? -Number of small impeller -:liiiL:-:L I'iir* | rli'-'ii - Stainless Steel Multistage Deep-Well Submersible Pump

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Performance table Nine: The size II is varieri with the motors iifdi iTerenl manufacturers.

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Irrigation Solution. • Performance table Note: Trie ^i*e II is varied wilh ihe molar a o\\U iTerenl manufacturers.

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Irrigation Solution. Performance table

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# Performance curve Irrigation Solution. Performance table Trie ^i*e ft \s varied with ihe nu>U-)r<, o\\U rferenl manufVLCLurers.

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Vertical Turbine Pumps Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution.

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1 .The gate is packed with glue wholly. Excellent tightness and reliable. Long service time. 2-Light weight, easy installation 3.Ftat base. The bottom of the valve was designed flat. It won't produce sundries or sludge. Excellent tightness and reliable. 4.Corrosion resistance. Use non-toxic epcxy resin on the Inner wall to prevent from corrosion and rustiness. It can be used in portable water supply system, and also can be used in sewage treatment system.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Technical Parameters Working Pressure Woridng Temperature Seel Test Intensity Test Applicable Medium Irrigation SoAiKon. 1. The gats is packed with glue wholly. The good cover performance of glue and accurate geometric dimensioning ensures excellent 2. Light weight. The body of the valve Is produced from ironball. 3. Flat base. The bottom of the valve was designed flat, Wonl produce sundries or sludge. Excellent tightness and reliable. 4. Corrosion resistance. Use non-toxic epoxy resin on tho inner waif to prevent from corrosion and rustiness. It can be used in portable water supply system,...

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Z41X-16Q (Product Code: 1061) Unitmm Nole:" * "Indicates that the mold i& not available temporarily. Irrigation Solution.

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Technical Parameters Normal Pressure Intensity Test Seal Test Working Temperature Applicable Medium This valve Is seal up wfth rubber ring. Both ends use socket find spigot joint. The product possesses the characteristics like safe,fast and easy installattorr etc.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Technical Parameters Normal Pressure Seal Test Intensity Test Applicable Temperature Applicable Medium Irrigation Solution. Hi is valve is suitable to connect galvanized pipe, iron pipe etc.

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Z15X-16Q (Product Code: 1071) Unftmm Irrigation Sokitron.

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Technical Parameters Working Pressure Working Temperature Seal Test Intensity Test Applicable Medium Irrigation Solution. This valve is seal up with rubber ring. Both ends use sockei and spigot joint. The product possesses the characteristics like safe,fast and easy installation etc.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Working Pressure Working Temperature Seal Test Intensity Test Applicable Medium Water Water Materia I of the Valve: cast iron, ductile cast iron, stainless steel Materia] of trie Rubber Ring: ethylene propylene rubber (EPDM) -40-+125^0 plastic of poly tetra fluoroelhylen (PTFE) +10~+150°C

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Irrigation Solution.

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Irrigation Solution. 1. Unique structure, lightweight,fast speed of open and close. 2. Easy to manipulate, can be installed in any location, easy to 3. The seal ring has reliable performance with ageing resistance. weak corrosion resistance , longevity of the material. And the seal ring can be changed. The product is suitable to be used in water supply and discharge systems In many areas such as food, medicine, electricity, light textile.papermaking etc. It can be used for flow adjusting and medium closuring In pipelines,

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Irrigation Solution.

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Technical Parameters Normal Pressure Seal Test Applicable Temperature Applicable Medium Be widety used for closuring and adjusting of pipelines in waiar supply and discharge, construction, waste water discharge, chemical industry, food, medicine and light textile.

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Irrigation Solution.

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Technical Parameters Irrigation Solution. This product is mainly used in water supply and discharge systems.and the exit of pump in the area of oil and chemical industry. It's used to prevent back flow of medium. The seal ring Is slant designed with short time of close, and reduces the pressure of water hammer. Tho valve plate is pressed by chemigurn and steel plate under high temperature. It ts scouring resistance, good seal-up performance, simple structure, easy to maintain and

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Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Rainfine Irrigation Company