Model SA-5100D-CH4
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Model SA-5100D-CH4 - 1

Highly Sensitive CH4 Sensors Features – Functions - Benefits • • Minimum detectable level 100 ppm Built-in color graphic HMI Embedded 12 month 1/m data logging No periodic calibration required Annual bump test and zero recommended Optical NDIR sensor technology

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Model SA-5100D-CH4 - 2

System Detector Type Detection Method Range of Sensitivity Minimum Detectable Level Response Time Warranty Enclosure Material Non dispersive infrared (NDIR) HC absorption Diffusion captive open path optical chamber 0-5000 ppm CH4 100 ppm ± 25 ppm T90 less than 90 seconds 2 Years OpCheck Performance Diagnostics Electrical Specifications User Interface Digital Display User Interface System Status Indicators Electropolished 316 stainless steel Input Voltage Power Consumption Serial Output Optional Local Alarm Relays Real time readings and full script user Magnetic Wand- zero and span...

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