Extraits du catalogue

TECHNICAL SHEET Pressure monitoring Pump programming Valve programming Soil moisture monitoring Irrigation automation Water meter reading Filter clogging monitoring © Telaqua SAS - All rights reserved If pre-determined thresholds are exceeded If there is an abnormal peak / drop in pressure Water stress Start & end of irrigation Abnormal consumption Clogged filter
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T E CH NI C A L S P E C IF IC ATIO N S • Multisensors - Connects up to 4 pumps or valves, 4 pressure sensors, 1 water meter and 1 SDI12. • Wireless - Operates using the Lora low power network. • Plug & Play - Installation in less than 10 minutes. • Universal - Fits on your existing irrigation system. Pressure sensor Communication box with the platform. - Weight: 60g - Dimensions: 10cm x 5cm x 5cm - Operating temperature: 0.1°C to +50°C - Thread: male G ¼ as standard and ¼ NPT on request - Pressure range: 10bar as standard and others on request - Case: IP67 - Material: stainless steel -...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) Telaqua
Fiche Technique Mano
2 Pages
Fiche Technique Agromote
2 Pages