Extraits du catalogue
From SICMA's expérience inthe mechanical harvesting of olives and hanging fruits and from the professionalism and reliability of DIECI handlers, a winning, versatile and effective technological combination was born. Exclusively, the Agri Farmer 28.7 and Mini Agri 26.6 handlers can be provided with the SICMA harvesting kit. Versatility and manageability are the main strengths of these telescopic telehandlers which can be coupled with the range of accessories offered by the DIECI company (e.g. forks, buckets, lifting hooks, various types of pliers, excavating and aggregate shovels, winches...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 2"Compact and versatile, it i$ the agricultural telehandler for the mechanical harvest of olives, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and fruit Processing industry (cherries, plums, apples, etc.) orchards*. Configurable with forks, buckets, pliers, mowers, baskets and winches_______ Cabina spaziosa omologata ROPS - FOPS con A/C (optional) Approvod ROPS - FOPS cabln wlth A/C (optional)
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 4Omologazlone agrlcola per la clrcolazlone stradale Agriculture approved for road circulation Pinza a doppia ganascia New Génération ad alte fréquence, autocentrante, autofren inte Double Jaw New Génération vlbratlng head at hlgh frequency, self-centerlng, setf-braklng Braeclo telescoplco Idraullco con altezza dl sol lava mento lino 5.68 m e portata max di 2.600 kg Hydraullc teiescopic arm wfth max helght at 5.68 m and max lifting capacity of2.000 kg
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 5Potente e tecnologlcamente avanzato è il telescopico polivalente délia séria agricoltura per la raccolta degll Implantl dl ollvo e frutta secca. Finita la raccolta, vanta una vasta gamma di accessori (es. fdrche, benne, pinze, trincia, cestelli e argani etc.). Powerful and technological advanced, it is the agricultural muttipurpose telehandler for the mechanicai harvest of olives and nuts. Once harvest is over, it boasts a wide range of accessories (eg. forks, buckets, plîers, mowers, baskets and winches etc.).
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 6Plnza a doppla ganascla New Génération ad alte fréquence, auto centrante, autofrenante Double Jew New Génération vtbradng head athlgh trequency, aolf-centoring, mtf-braking Sterzata sulle 4 ruote modul bile 3-system modular 4-wheol steering Omologazlone agrleola per la clrcolazlone AgricutturaJ approved for road circulation Bracclo telescoplco Idraulleo con altezza dl sollevamento fIno 8.65 m e portata finoaSt (versione30.9) Hydraulic teleacopic arm wtth max hs-Sght up to 8.65 m end lifting capaclty up to 31 (version 30.9) Cassone con portata flno a 350 kg Case capacity of350 kg Motore...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 7CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Milli AqN 26.6 - technical characteristics - caracteristicas técnicas: Motore termico Diesel, Kubota V3307 Stage V DCI-1, Turbo Common Rail (3.331 cm1., 4 cilindri, 54.6 kW (73 HP) @ 2.600 rpm Engine Diesel, Kubota V3307 Stage VDCI-1, Turbo Common Rail (3.331 cm3,4 cylinders, 54.6 KW (73 HP) @ 2.600 rpm MotOf Diesel, Kubota 1/3307 Stage VDCI-1, Turbo Common Rail (3.331 cnf, 4 cylinders, 54.6 kW (73 HP) @ 2.600 rpm -•- TrasmiSSiOlie Idrostatica con pompa a portata variabile. Motore idrostatico a variazione automatica. Inversore elettroidraulico. Transmission...
Ouvrir le catalogue en page 8Tous les catalogues et fiches techniques (PDF) SICMA srl
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