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EUROVENT Parents The modern manure belt system for layer breeders
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EUROVENT Parents – the ventilated manure belt system for the production of hatching eggs EUROVENTParents is a manure belt system for layer breeders designed by Big Dutchman for the production of hatching eggs. Compartments are 1250 mm wide and have a standard length of 2412 mm. They can, however, be extended in steps of 60 cm so that the flock size can be determined individually. A reinforced perch is positioned in the centre of the compartments. The male breeders especially like to use this perch. Closed partitions promote calmness and quiet within the flock by ensuring that males in...
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✓I optimum number of birds ✓I healthy and vigorous males and females ✓I clean hatching eggs ✓I low salmonella risk ✓I uniform high laying performance ✓I good feed conversion ✓I low mortality rate ✓I high efficiency thanks to a high degree of automation (feed and water supply, egg collection, manure removal) ✓I low labour and control requirements ✓Ivery low ammonia emissions ✓hardly any flies in the system ✓I in case of manure belt ventilation: dry manure, with a dry matter content of up to 60 percent, which can be conveniently stored and spread 0 Water supply The nipple drinkers at the...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 3
Technical data and planning instructions EUROVENT Parents Compartment dimensions System type Length mm 603/1206/1809/2412/3015/3618/4221/4824 (variable in steps of 603 mm) Width (from trough to trough) mm 1250 1250 Height (centre) mm 605 605 Height (outside) mm 680 680 > 600 > 600 Recommended area/bird cm2 Section dimensions Length Width Height (2 tiers) (3 tiers) (4 tiers) Cross section of EV-P 1250 compartment (without air duct) Side view Cross section of EV-P 1250a compartment (with air duct) USA: Big Dutchman, Inc. Tel. +1 616 392 5981 · bigd@bigdutchmanusa.com www.bigdutchmanusa.com...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 4Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Big Dutchman
TriSort pro sistema di selezione
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4 Pagine
Ventilazione CombiTunnel
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Voliera NATURA 70
6 Pagine
Porcus scrubber d’aria
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Mangiatoia Imperator
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Lampada a LED a soffitto Helios
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Sistemi di pavimentazione
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Sensore NH3 DOL 53
2 Pagine
Mangiatoia Vista 360
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Posatoio in plastica BD
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Arricchimento con Pick Puck
2 Pagine
NATURA Primus & NATURA Filia
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NATURA Visio aviary system
2 Pagine
Sharky 430 cleaning robot
2 Pagine
Viva 330 feed pan
2 Pagine
LED lighting
12 Pagine
Fresh air supply systems - Pig
12 Pagine
Fresh air supply systems
12 Pagine
OneLite & DuoLite
2 Pagine
Alarm systems
4 Pagine
Earny 2 heat exchanger
6 Pagine
AviMax transit broiler cage
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SiloCheck Air
2 Pagine
Exhaust air chimneys
8 Pagine
Wall fans AirMaster & Co.
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UNIVENT-Starter 680-plus
2 Pagine
Bird weighing
6 Pagine
UniVent poultry cage
8 Pagine
Sow management
16 Pagine
Egg collection systems
8 Pagine
Manure pit systems
4 Pagine
Broiler breeder management
18 Pagine
2 Pagine
Feed storage and feed transport
6 Pagine
AirPaddle manure drying system
2 Pagine
Heidy bird grader
2 Pagine
CompoTower fermenter
4 Pagine
FLUXX 330 & 360 feed pans
6 Pagine
PURO air cleaning system
4 Pagine
Havito welfare barn
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Automatic feeders
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Pekino cup drinker
2 Pagine
Poultry house management with amacs
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LED retrofit kit
2 Pagine
Milling and mixing systems
6 Pagine
EggSmart elevator
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Dry mixer BDS-2000 & BDS-4000
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Cooling Systems
4 Pagine
HydroMix pro liquid feeding system
16 Pagine
Breezy ventilation control
2 Pagine
CombiTunnel ventilation - Pig
6 Pagine
PureLine | Roughage dispensers
4 Pagine
CompoLiner composting system
4 Pagine
OptiSec Porco belt dryer
4 Pagine
Moisture-proof LED lamp
2 Pagine
Feed cart FC-V
4 Pagine
MultiPan 395 feed pan
2 Pagine
ActiWel variable-restraint pen
1 Pagine
AviMax sliding broiler cage
2 Pagine
Cataloghi archiviati
Residue Treatment
12 Pagine
RelaxGo colony nest
2 Pagine