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![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 1](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_1m.jpg)
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 1![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 2](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_2m.jpg)
GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR MANURE W I T H A P P L I C AT I O N W E L L I N T O T H E G R O W I N G S E A S O N CONCEPT BY ALIG, DESIGN BY CADMAN adman has taken a concept developed by the Alig brothers of Ohio to design and build the Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA). The CMA is engineered to apply liquid manure to growing crops by sidedressing, the CMA can apply manure in fields as long as a half mile. Cadman Power Equipment Limited The Alig brothers brought their patent-pending concept and four years of data collected by Ohio State University to Cadman Power Equipment. Cadman’s expertise...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 2![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 4](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_4m.jpg)
Cadman Power Equipment Limited
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THE CHALLENGE OF NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Wh e n pl a n n i n g y o u r n u trien t man ag emen t strateg y, th ere are a num ber of l i m i tati ons to cons i der. The bi g q u e s t i o n i s : “ H ow do I fu lly u til iz e t he v a lue of t he n u t r i en t s i n m an u r e wh i l e re d u cing t he ov e r a ll cos t of a p p l i c at i o n ? ” There are m an y c o n si d e r a t ions s uc h a s lia b ilit y, c os t , s t or a g e a nd m o r e. Th e cu r r en t m et h o ds, w h i ch i ncl u d e tan ke rs – o r so ft & ha r d hos e d r a g s y s t e ms, e a c h ha v e man y pr o s an d co n s...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 5![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 6](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_6m.jpg)
BEST MANURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Public concerns have increased the pressure on farmers and custom pumpers to meet best manure management practices (BMP) to improve the most effective use of manure on the soil. Regulatory issues vary in every jurisdiction, and are constantly changing. Only being able to apply during a specific time period increases the requirement for manure storage. Solids settling will reduce the nutrient value stored in manure, decreasing your potential for yield increase. The loss of nutrient value when applying manure pre- and post-crop necessitates the use of...
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I NJ ECT IN R O W C R O P UP TO 4 F T H I G H , WI T H NO CROP DAMAGE Continuous Manure Applicatior - For side dress in row crops
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 7![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 8](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_8m.jpg)
UTILIZING THE BENEFITS OF YOUR MANURE HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER The CMA generates a larger time window for spreading liquid manure, allowing you to spread via side-dress, during the row crop growing season. The most recent research has proven that the CMA can generate more profits by utilizing the nutrients in manure (N, P & K) while the crop is growing. At the same time, public concerns are minimized by utilizing incorporation instead of spraying of liquid manure. Runoff is reduced, nutrient utilization is increased, and concerns from neighbours about smell, and wider concerns about runoff and...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 8![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 9](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_9m.jpg)
A P P L I C AT I O N EFFICIENCIES Red uced Co m p a ctio n • Eliminate heavy tankers on the field • 1 – 4+ weight difference between Cadman injector and tractor VS. tractor and large tanker going up your field • Complete in 1 continuous pass • No fertilizer equipment needed • No cultivating needed • Limiting trafficked acres by utilizing a 40’ (12 m) injector or 60’ (18 m) dribble bar • Application period increased by at least 2 months • 1,100 – 1,200 gals/min (4,545 l/hr) continuously, up to 72,000 gals/hr (272,550 l/hr) • Try to reduce the need for fall spreading, reducing run-off Spring...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 9![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 10](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_10m.jpg)
Incorporate your liquid manure after planting to see tremendous yield increases, in row c Apply via side-dress with minimum compaction and damage to plants with the all n Cadman Continuous Manure Applicator! CMA Injector – Pull Out Cycle The tractor pulls the injector with the patented CMA swivel arm. The arm pulls out the 5.5” ( 1 4 0 m m ) I . D. h a r d h o s e a w a y f r o m t h e C M A a n d i n c o r p o r a t e s i n 3 0 ’ ( 9 m ) , o r 4 0 ’ ( 1 2 m ) w i d t h r o w s. When the tractor gets to the opposite end of the field (up to 1/2 a mile (800 m)), the tractor turns 180° and...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 10![Continuous Manure Applicator (CMA) - 11](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168638/continuous-manure-applicator-cma-8776_11m.jpg)
CMA Injector – Retrieval Cycle The tractor returns at the same speed it is pulled out. Tractor ground speed on the return trip is synchronized with the rate of speed that the CMA rewinds the hose. CMA Injector – Advanced Turn The 4WD CMA reel and steering is controlled remotely from the applicator tractor cab. While the operator is completing his return trip, the remote automatically moves the CMA forward another 60’ (18 m) or 80’ (24 m) in order to start another
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A REVOLUTION IN NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT TO IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE CMA DOES IT ALL • Ro w C ro p A ppl icatio n, Irri gatio n, Tradi ti o nal D rag Li ne and Bo o m A ppl icatio n APPLY THROUGH CROP CYCLE • A pplicatio n bef o re, duri ng and af ter the gro wi ng seaso n *Payback calculations are based on total acres applied, as well as the nutrient content of the manure vs. application rate.* Please contact your Cadman rep for a complete payback evaluation. INCREASE YIELDS • I nc rease y ield by 7 – 15% when fertiliz ing with the CMA. Rapid pay bac k for both farmers and c ustom oper
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KEEP TANKERS OFF THE SOIL • Sto ps co m pac tion by using hose instead o f tankers and apply ing when the so il conditions are fit REPLACE SYNTHETIC FERTILIZER • Use of the natural nutrients in manure allows you to forego the use of synthetic fertilizer REDUCE LABOUR COSTS • O n e - perso n o perati o n, v i a the c o mp uter co ntro l system . Lo weri ng t h e c o st o f labo ur CUSTOMIZE TO YOUR FIELD SIZE • A pply in a field up to 1/2 mile (800 m) in length; or, c ustomiz e hose diameter and length to y our needs when ordering EFFICIENTLY USE MANURE • I nc rease utiliz ation of nutrient...
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COMPUTER CONTROL SYSTEM CMA Remote – Control the CMA remotely from the comfort of the tractor cab, allowing for one-man operation. The remote controls the following: Functions Include • Advanced turn cycle • Open and close inlet valve in pump – automatically or manually • Turn back cycle • Drive and steer the machine • Ramp engine RPM up or down • Move stabilizer feet up or down • Disengage and engage clutch for pump – set for automatic or manual • Reel in hose • Displays all engine, pump and flow telemetry
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 14Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Cadman Power Equipment
3600XL-B, 4000XL, 4500, 5000
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3750XL, 4000S, 4500S
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3000 Series Hard hose Travellers
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1000 Series Irrigation Reels
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Catalogue 2013
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