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Machines and people at the service of fish farming Claude FAIVRE, founder of the company in 1958 FAIVRE Company has established a reputation due to the reliability, the quality of its products and its ability to innovate and adapt to the needs of fish farmers. Since 1958, Faivre story is ongoing. www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Ets can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Summary Page www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Live stock management Fish pump Pescamotion- Pescavac Pescamotion Fish grader Helios Grader counter Heliovision F I S H www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Fish counter Pescavision - Pescasight After Grader soon Coming www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Trout / Salmon Tilapia / Carp
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Fish pump Pescamotion 6 Plus A new 6" (150mm) fish pump that is light weight, handy and with better performance. Pescamotion 6 Plus Ideal for supplying a grader, for transferring from a tank or loading lorries. The Pescamotion 6+ pump can adapt easily to all situations. New design = New performance : - Up to 700 g Trout Salmon - Up to 500 g Sea Bass and Sea Bream - Up to 50 g Shrimp - Up to 12 m total dynamic head. Key benefits : High capacity up to 20 tons/hour For fish up to 700g (Salmonids) Total dynamic head : 12m Light and handy : 202kg - 440lbs Remote control as option (200m - 650 ft)...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 8
New remote control : 200 meter IP67 remote control, supplied as an option. Allows full control of pump (stop / start, pump priming, pump motor, and speed control) Belt clip and docking station included. The pump is delivered as standard with two 6" female Camlock units and suction cone www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 9
Electrical box 0150mm (6") intake pipe Handle Aluminium 'wheelbarrow' frame Direct drive geared motor Inflatable tire 0400mm Pump outlet valve Stainless steel pump housing 0150mm (6") discharge connection Stabiliser foot Priming pump Fish pump model www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Trout / Salmon Tilapia / Carp
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Fish pump Pescamotion 8 A new 8" (200mm) fish pump that is light weight, handy and with better performance. Pescamotion 8 Ideal for supplying a grader, for transferring from a tank or loading lorries. The Pescamotion 8 pump can adapt easily to all situations. New design = New performance : - Up to 2500 g Trout Salmon - Up to 1500 g Sea Bass and Sea Bream - Up to 12 m total dynamic head. Key benefits : High capacity up to 25 tons/hour For fish up to 2,5 kg (Salmonids) Total dynamic head : 12m Light and handy : 502kg - 440lbs Remote control as option (200m - 650 ft) New "Auto stop" priming...
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New remote control : 200 meter IP67 remote control, supplied as a standard. Allows full control of pump (stop / start, pump priming, pump motor, and speed control) Belt clip and docking station included. The pump is delivered as standard with two 8" female Camlock units and suction cone www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Description 0 Electrical box Q 0200mm (8") intake pipe Q Main pump motor 0 Stainles steel pump housing Q Stainless steel frame 0 Pump outlet valve £ 0200mm (8") discharge connection Q Inflatable tire 0400mm Q Hand break O Forklift handle system www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
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Trout / Salmon Tilapia / Carp
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Fish pump Pescavac 8 Vacuum Fish Pump Pescavac 8 Key benefits : High capacity 6 - 8 tons/hour Handle fish from up to 2,5kg (Salmonidae) Bass/Bream 1,5kg max. Discharge height 5m Suction height 4m FAIVRE company has developed a new model of Vacuum Fish Pump called "Pescavac 8" to transfer live fish up to 2,5kg (Salmonidae). High quality construction in stainless steel. Easy to handle with his compact frame with large wheels. Discharge hose Suction hose 8’’ 3 clamps «Easy fitting» Ref. PV080801 Inflatable tires ø570mm (23”) for an easy moving on the farm. Electrical box to control the pump M...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 16
Optional : Hopper with water separator for loading tanks Ref. : TD0801 Simple front panel electrical box for easy control of the vaccum pump. Inflatable tires with break handel. Ø570mm (23”) for security and an easy moving on the farm. 3 clamps «Easy fitting» develloped by Faivre design bureau to simplify and secure fittings manipulation. Electrically operated 4-way valve allowing precise control of the closing speed of the valve. Your fish are transported safely. www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 17
Electrical box 0200mm (8") intake pipe with 3 clamps fitting Vacuum pump motor Stainless steel frame Inflatable tire 0400mm (16") Towbar Stainless steel pump tank 0200mm (8") discharge connection with 3 clamps fitting Inflatable tire 0570mm (23") Break handle Fork lift handle system Suction cone 0200mm (8”) Female camlock 0200mm (8”) Outlet valve www.faivre-aqua.com Pictures and technical data are not contractual. FAIVRE Sasu can bring to its equipments any modifications required, at any time.
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 18
Trout / Salmon Tilapia / Carp
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Fish grader Helios A complete range of 9 graders for : Trout, salmon, bass, bream, carp, tilapias, perch, baramundi, eels, cod, murray cod etc… 1g - 100g 5 or 8 channels 4 sizes HELIOS 10 and 100 are high precision grader with a huge capacity , (130.000 fish/hour) it is made to efficiently grade smolts and alevins from 0,8 g up to 100g. L i g h t a n d e a s y t o h a n dle. Smolts into the reiving hopper Helios 20 Simple and robust grading machine at an affordable price. HELIOS 30 is a high precision 3 channels grader made to grade Trouts/Salmons up to 800g. Light and easy to handle, the...
Aprire il catalogo a pagina 20Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Faivre Sarl
Pescamotion 8
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DRUM FILTER serie 200 with frame
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4 Pagine
DRUM FILTER serie 160 with frame
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DRUM FILTER Serie 80 with frame
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DRUM FILTER serie 80 with tank
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DRUM FILTER serie 60 - SS Tank
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Automatic Cleaning Drum Filters
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Pescavac 8
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Leaf filter ROTODISC
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Flobull Aerators
4 Pagine
Aquasub Aerators
4 Pagine
Live stock Management Packs 2018
56 Pagine
2 Pagine
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Cataloghi archiviati
Pescamotion 6 plus
2 Pagine