Pescamotion 8
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Pescamotion 8 - 1

Live Fish Pump Pescamotion 8 Simply the best fish pump Trout / Salmon Tilapia / Carp FAIVRE company has developed a new model of Pescamotion to transfer live fish up to 1500g* (Salmonids) average weight. The Pescamotion 8 is simply the best fish pump. Our design team put 15 months of development into optimizing the design of the new pump housing and its propeller.

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Pescamotion 8 - 2

Description of the Pescamotion 8 live fish pump 1 Main pump motor Stainles steel pump housing Stainless steel frame Pump outlet valve Hand break Forklift system Model Main drive motor Main drive motor control Prime drive motor 11kW 400 V 3ph 50 Hz Frequency variator 0.75 kW 400 V 3ph 50 Hz (203mm) 8 in male camlock Total dynamic head Average weight Fish 1500 g* Trouts/Salmon 1000 g* Bass / Bream Pump speed (390 rpm, 1m vertical head discharge) Dimensions (m) Weight Reference * Warning : The average weight size of the fish conveyed by the pump can vary greatly depending on the speed of the...

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