Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1
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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 1

Scientific -Production Company 72319 Ukraine, Zaporizhia Region, Melitopol, Prospect of B. Clunielnicki 27 Phone: (0619) 43-60-28, Phone/Fax: (06192) 43-77-71 E-mail: Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 2

Intended use: Single-row vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 is used for sowing of vegetable crops and cucurbitaceous crops. The seeder is comfortable and simple to use. Working with the seeder does not require any special training, but keep in mind that for sowing of every new kind of crop you will need to have specified skills. To ensure long and reliable operation of the seeder, it is necessary to comply with the rules of its operation and to provide mandatory, full and timely execution of work in the scope of its technical service mentioned in this manual. The seeder has small dimensions. When...

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 3

Technical parameters of the seeder l.Type of sowing mechanism brush/sleeve 3.Type of covering knife lamellar 5.Width of space between rows, which are provided by marker, cm up to 50 . In transportation position (handles removed) • Length 840 Seeder Delivery Kit • Sowing device included • Handle • Strut • Marker with locking device • Screws M8 x 15 • Nuts M8

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 4

If SzczWA is changed to WPS 52, in addition to WAS 52, the following also should be purchased: New seeding device WPS 52 or WAS 52; Drive shaft with hub; Set of chain wheels and chain links. Design and operation of the seeder Single-row vegetable seeder consists of the bearer frame 9, which looks like two parallel planks, where the following components are fixed: – In the front part: support-driving wheel 8; – In the middle part: brush sowing device 3 with the bin for seeds 5 (it is possible to install other bins with the above-mentioned sowing devices), coulter 10 and the covering knife; –...

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 5

A brush sowing device SzczWA 96/6 consists of body, where is mounted the seeds bin 5 with a rotary disc 2 at the back part and a brush mechanism 3. Where: 96 - diameter of cylindrical brush; 6 - number of brushes in the drum. In order to reduce the norm of sowing seeds, it is possible to remove brushes from the drum, up to 3 or 2, and the brushes should be symmetrically arranged. The sowing device is taken by the drive from support-driving wheel by means of the chain transmission 6 equipped with standard driving or driven chain wheels with 14 teeth. While the seeder is moving, the rotary...

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 6

Fig. 3. Sowing device for precise seeding WPS 52/1. Universal sowing units for precise seeding WPS 52/1 and WAS 52 are intended for installation on SOR-1/1, SOR-1/2, SOM, SOT seeder models instead of the brush sowing units included in the delivery set of these seeders. All connection dimensions of this sowing unit correspond to the connection dimensions on the platforms of these seeders. The sowing unit is designed for sowing a wide range of plants: onion, cabbage, beets, maize, pelleted seeds, vegetables, fodder and industrial plants. For sowing with the use of sowing unit WPS 52/1, seeds...

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 7

Sowing unit structure Fig. 4. Sowing unit (side view)

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 8

The sowing unit consists of a steel cylindrical body, in which a drive shaft with a sowing drum is installed on the bearings. The body has two milled holes, where the sowing unit bin is mounted above the top one, and the seed line and seed ejector is mounted under the bottom one. The norm of sowing seeds is adjusted by selecting the sowing drum with right number and size of the mesh for the seeds and by changing the drive ratio as a result of installing replaceable chain wheels on the shaft. A split body is made to provide the convenience while the body is dismantled and the norm of sowing...

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 9

It is possible to supply a factory manufactured sleeve for various seeds 24/3 (basic variant); 10/3, 10/5; 6/10; 10/10; 24/5 (the first number - the number of holes, the second - their diameter in mm). Fig. 7. Sowing unit for precise seeding WPS 27/1. Operation principle of sowing unit WPS 27/1 Sowing unit WPS 27/1 differs from WPS 52/1 in diameter sleeves of 27

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 10

Fig. 8. Sleeve and ejector WPS 27/1 – 16/3 (basic variant) Sowing unit for precise seeding WAS 52 We would like to point out that WAS 52 – is the latest version of NPK ROSTA, developed as a result of 20 years of experience in mechanical constructions of high-performance sowing devices. This bin along with WAS 52 can be installed on the SOM soil miller and SOT tractor seeder type of NPK ROSTA. It is possible to adjust depth of a sowing hole with high accuracy, which allows to get the following advantages. ADVANTAGES of WAS 1. A large zone of contac

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 11

7. Possibility of dust removing outside the sowing zone. 8. No damage to seeds. RECEIVED RESULTS 1. Increased probability of getting seeds into the holes. 2. Increased speed of the machine's movement (over 5 km/h). 3. Very accurate dosing of seeds into the holes and, as a consequence, high accuracy of sowing. 4. No effect of the "sticking" layer of seeds. 5. Extended period of use. 6. High reliability of the process. 7. Increased wear resistance. 8. High field germination. Operation principle of sowing unit WAS 52 Sowing takes place according the principle of “injection” loading of seeds....

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 12

Table 1 ADJUSTMENT OF HOLE DEPTH AND THE SECTORИ РЕГУЛИРОВКА ГЛУБИНЫ ОТВЕРСТИЯ OF MAXIMUM EXIT OF WAS 52 PIN СЕКТОРА МАКСИМАЛЬНОГО ВЫХОДА ПАЛЬЧИКА ВАС 52 Паз на Groove втулке on the бункера Отверстие Screw под болт hole Seeds Семена отверстия depth at bin при exit выходе из Seed line Maximum hole depth - максимальная глубина отверстия РЕГУЛИРОВКА ГЛУБИНЫ ОТВЕРСТИЯ OF ADJUSTMENT OF HOLE DEPTH AND THE SECTORИ MAXIMUM EXIT ВЫХОДА ПАЛЬЧИКА СЕКТОРА МАКСИМАЛЬНОГО OF WAS 52 PIN П Р PR – – привод от ведущего ПР Drive power from the driving wheel on с правой стороны по колеса the right side in the...

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Single-row hand vegetable seeder SOR 1/1 - 13

Seeds are ejected from the hole by the pin and freely fall into the seed line under the influence of gravity. Amount of seeds sown on the running meter and their uniformity in a row will depend on diameter and depth of the hole, seeds size (there are possible two ways: single seed sowing and pit sowing) and rotational speed of the sowing device. These indicators depend on drive parameters of the seeder on which the sowing device is installed. The basic model of SOR 1/1 WAS 52 seeder is equipped with the following chain wheels: 26-tooth driving wheel, 14-tooth driven wheel, as well as the...

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