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Thermal protection for your greenhouses

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Ombraflex Light Ombraflex Standard Ombraflex Horticole Special paint hoop houses (P.P.A.) Wear differences of the shading paint film Application methods

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Protection solution for your crops Ombraflex manufactures paints intended for shading glass or plastic greenhouses and for all kind of industrial and urban glazing. Ombraflex succeed to become a specialist of the heating and lighting regulation inside greenhouses. Benefits of Ombraflex products: - Protection against infrared and U.V rays - Limitation of the overheating inside greenhouses that may damage plants - Optimized shading Applied in early spring to prevent hot temperatures, the shading paint eliminates itself when exposed to autumn rainfall in order to allow more luminosity inside...

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Light shading paint for plastic or glass greenhouses For geographical areas with low annual rainfall Adjustable shading intensity according to dilution rate Can be applied on glass or plastic screens Eliminates itself overtime Ultra-high solid content Ombraflex Light is the most economical product of the range. It has to be applied late during the season and therefore will be eliminated faster. Moderate hold Available in 25 kg drum and upon request in 1300 kg container

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When can I use OMBRAFLEX LIGHT ? At the end of the season if heat is still extrem. Ombraflex Light will be eliminated faster in the early fall. OMBRAFLEX LIGHT * JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Horticulture, plant nursering Market gardening * Indicative data based on an average European climate COVERAGE & PERFORMANCES SHADING INTENSITY DILUTION DRUMS/HA111 TOTAL REFLECTANCE (%) 121 PAR (% visible transmittance) 121 WEAR RESISTANCE (%) 1 LIGHT SHADING MEDIUM SHADING HIGH SHADING (1) Average value which can vary with the limit of 30% depending on needs and weather...

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Standard shading paint for plastic or glass greenhouses, as well as urban or industrial building windows Adjustable shading intensity according to dilution rate Can be applied on glass or plastic screens Eliminates itself overtime Protection against infrared and U.V rays Ultra-high solid content Standard hold Ombraflex Standard is more resistant than Ombraflex Light avoiding a second spray application during the season.

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PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS When can I use OMBRAFLEX STANDARD ? At the beginning of the season. OMBRAFLEX STANDARD * Horticulture, plant nursering Market gardening * Indicative data based on an average European climate COVERAGE & PERFORMANCES OMBRAFLEX STANDARD HIGH SHADING Refer to the product datasheet for further information. SHADING INTENSITY LIGHT SHADING MEDIUM SHADING HIGH SHADING Average value which can vary with the limit of 30% depending on needs and weather conditions. (2) These are guide values (achieved in laboratory) and may vary for measurements realized in situ depending on...

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Reinforced shading paint for plastic or glass greenhouses Excellent weatherability Adapted to high sunny regions Adjustable shading intensity according to dilution rate Can be applied on glass or plastic screens Eliminates itself overtime Protection against infrared and U.V rays Biodegradable Ombraflex Horticole is the most opaque and homogeneous shading paint. It is therefore the right one for regions with high degree of sun exposure. With its natural earth-toned color, Ombraflex Horticole provides an optimum shading as well as a comfortable climate inside greenhouses. Reinforced hold...

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PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS When can I use OMBRAFLEX HORTICOLE ? At the beginning of the season without a second spraying during the year. OMBRAFLEX HORTICOLE * Horticulture, plant nursering Market gardening * Indicative data based on an average European climate COVERAGE & PERFORMANCES OMBRAFLEX HORTICOLE HIGH SHADING Refer to the product datasheet for further information. SHADING INTENSITY LIGHT SHADING MEDIUM SHADING HIGH SHADING Average value which can vary with the limit of 30% depending on needs and weather conditions. (2) These are guide values (achieved in laboratory) and may vary for...

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Reinforced shading paint for farms under large plastic shelters Excellent weatherability Adapted to high sunny regions Adjustable shading intensity according to dilution rate To be applied on plastic screens Eliminates itself overtime Protection against infrared and U.V rays Biodegradable Like Ombraflex Horticole, Ombraflex Gap is an opaque and homogeneous shading paint, but is especially effective on plastic shelters. It is highly recommended for growing lamb’s lettuce. Adapted to crops under large Reinforced hold Available in 25 kg drum and upon request in 1300 kg container

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PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS When can I use OMBRAFLEX GAP ? Ombraflex Gap has an extented application period. It can be applied in late winter in regions with high degree of sun exposure. Horticulture, plant nursering Market gardening * Indicative data based on an average European climate High sunlight regions Horticulture, plant nursering Market gardening * Indicative data based on an average European climate COVERAGE & PERFORMANCES LIGHT SHADING HIGH SHADING Refer to the product datasheet for further information. MEDIUM SHADING

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Shading paint remover for greenhouses Water-thinnable gelified concentrate Adapted to glass and plastic greenhouses Spray application To eliminate the Ombraflex paints at the end of the shading season, Ombraflex has developed a specific shading remover : OMBRASTOP GEL. Sprayed on greenhouse, any Ombraflex paint residues will be removed. The greenhouses will become transparent again. Available in 20L drum PRACTICAL COVERAGE This coverage rate depends on spray equipment as well as work habits and may vary from 20 to 30 %. 700 to 800 M2 Refer to the product datasheet for further information.

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Paint for hoop houses (P.P.A.) Increases the plastic screen longevity (film, sheet, etc.) Protects plastics from overheating due to metal frames Can be applied on any kind of plastics Local use along metal reinforcement Paint designed to locally protect plastic screens of agricultural greenhouses in contact with metallic structures and hoops. P.P.A. is the right product for functional maintenance or agricultural plastic greenhouses (flower and vegetable growers etc.). Refer to the product datasheet for further information.

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