Pivot pipe pump design
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Pivot pipe pump design - 1

Irrigation Solution. # PIVOT PIPE PUMP Professional irrigation design service

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN How to pump water to the field on hill

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LEGEND OF ALTITUDE WITH COLOUR This coloured map shows The high land is on the line northwest. If the water main pipe is built along this line, most part of the land can be irrigated by gravity, which is economic arrangement. WATER MAIN LINE CENTER PIVOT j Colored topographic map. ] Pipe layout for all area .

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□ Main pipe assembly RESULT; js«Pw| ICO I WOTOUSCCTWI Pipe assembly

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How to maximize the irrigated land For maximum covering the land by center pivot, the circles can be designed in any angles to Usually a small pivot can be inserted into the bigger circles to fill up the land. The obstacles in field might be: o Electric powerline towers When the pivot is designed as a partial circles, the barricade will be used at both ends near the blocks to switch off the switches on the last tower of the pivot and stop the machine. Some auto reverse device is used to restart the machine and work backward direction when

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN How to maximize the irrigated land

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN How to use water from river □ Analysis of the topographic map. D Altitude can be seen from colours. LEGEND OF ALTITUDE WITH COLOUR □ Main pipe arrangement.

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main river with river bank (old main river) without water. Aftor zoom in we find perfact location for pump station. bank from arrow river bank, which is simitar to this photo.

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN How to use water from river It will form a filter system. Only clean water can flow over and sand when weir Weir gate filter system. □ Automatic flow filter system.

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How to use water from bore well □ Pump water from bore well in Saudi. Center pivot Pressure relief valve Diesel engine with alternator Gear box Vertical turbine pump Rainfine center pivot Rainfine pivot injector

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN How to irrigate the corner of the pivot a The steerable corner system is used to irrigate the four corners of the square and maximum the irrigation area. The last span can be extended to the maximum length in the corner and folded in the retracted position. The corner pivot consists a 6-5/8" diameter by 61.3m or 54.5m long span with an 26.8m overhang. When the corner span is fully extended, it will add 85m or 78m to the overall length of the main system. This system has a high cost. When there are no obstacles at both sides of the arm, span and cover more land....

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN Precision irrigation for pivot O Collect EC (electrical conductivity) with RTK elevation data. □ Different water infiltration of the soil.

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN Remote control v Center pivot remote monitoring and control system. I Soil tilth monitor. □ Wind monitor. □ Rainfall monitor. Field Commander JEnd Tower Communicate via digital network

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN Remote control Irributler™ Information collection: Soil tilth Climate report Remote control: PC or cell phone can be used to control your pivot wherever you travel or stay at home. above, irrigation Crop info: Different crop season area needs different irrigation rate. Root depth Different depths of crops need different irrigation rates. From the period of seeding to the harvest. irrigation rate varies. Information collection:

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TYPICAL PEAK WATER USE PERIODS Peak water use period ( days ) Peak water use period ( days) Water required(mm) First time Second time Last time CROP AND CLIMATE CONDITION! Moderate Climate Inches/Day GPM/Acre mm/day m'/hr/ha Inches/Day GPM/Acre mm/day m'/hr/ha Desert Climate Inches/Day GPM/Acie mm/day m'/hr/ha Sugar Beets MAJOR CROP ROOT DEPTI

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN Rainfine irrigation project report Total land is covered by 39 pivots.

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Rainfine irrigation project report □ 3D View can help you find more information of your field. □ 3D View can help you find more information of your field.

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There is a high mountain in the middle of the land, we can carry mountain and the water with gravitation will flow back and help pumps to save power. Hydraulic calculations was done with software program. There are some farm houses where we can not place the pivots. □ Pictures for showing elevation data.

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN Rainfine irrigation project report Pump station is placed close to river and PVC main line pipes are (green pipes).The two PVC pipes are placed next to each other to supply enough water for all systems. The main supply pipes higher point of land and then we can use also gravity flow to help Pictures showing elevation data. Pipes are designed in different colors so that we can see different sizes obviously. Same color means same diameter of PVC pipes. Program always uses outside diameter of pipes. Pictures showing elevation data. More pictures of different...

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Manlr* dangn- Calc How afeng pipes | Pipes have different sizes. Same color mean same diameter of always uses outside

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RAINFINE IRRIGATION DESIGN Rainfine irrigation project report Total Spans - Speed of last tower 545.30 - 2.366 - m/minute Time to complete full circle - 24.14 - hour Highest point on outside circle -1046.18-8525369.36 -E - 523956.79 -N Highest point inside pivot area -1046.40-8526028.15 -E - 523956.47 -N Pivot Center End of spans Main pipe pressure Assuming even distribution on level surface and pressure regulators on outlets. Critical elevations in pivot area Distance Elevation Pressure Pupm details. Pump station details: Flow required: 9122.17m3/h Water pressure: 8.3bar Average

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Pipe & Node details. NODES - Summary of total nodes STD VALVE Model Valve # 39 Detail of node sizes with OD pipe sizes STD VALVE Mode! Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve STD VALVE Model Valve (Slope Length) Total number of End Pieces Total number of T Pieces Total number of Reducers Total number of + Pieces

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Rainfine Irrigation Company