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leopold-ultrascreen-disk - 2

Leopold® Ultrascreen® Disk Filter Combines patented "Dynamic Tangential Filtration" with the unprecedented durability of stainless steel mesh construction to deliver exceptional performance at higher loading rates. This tertiary filter for discharge or reuse provides ease of operation at the lowest life cycle costs. How it works • The filter media is precision woven AISI 316L stainless steel screens, crafted to exacting tolerances and mounted in circular disk sections. The steel weave is capable of handling high hydrostatic heads for higher hydraulic loadings. • Dynamic Tangential...

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• Treats highest hydraulic flow rates. Validated and accepted by Title 22 California Code of Regulations to treat flows up to 39 m3/m2/hr of filter area. This is up to 2.5 times higher than the flow rates tolerated by other media disk filter systems, which typically operate up to 14.7 m3/m2/hr of filter area. • Handles spikes in TSS loading rates, up to 150 mg/L of TSS without clogging, as compared to 50-70 mg/L for cloth disk filters. No need to worry about down time due to clarifier upsets or the occasional solids spike. • Provides maximum operational flexibility, with multiple adjustable...

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leopold-ultrascreen-disk - 4

Ease of Maintenance by Design • Durable stainless steel inside and out, including filter meshes, rotating disks, tank and cover, make for a clean look that is easy to maintain with maximum equipment life. Retractable backwash nozzle arms can be manually rotated out with ease, allowing greater access to the disks for servicing. Additionally, the nozzles can be changed out with a simple twist. Easy to access disks require no special tools. Access is as easy as removing a few simple bolts. Disks are divided into eight light weight sections that can be removed for thorough cleaning or...

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Lower Operational Costs Means Lowest Life Cycle Costs Compared to Static Disk Systems • Lowest reject backwash water in class, using only 0.5 to 2% of treated water for backwash compared with 3 to 4% for static disk filter systems and 10 to 15% for continuous backwash tertiary sand filtration systems. Saves money on backwash pumping and treatment. More water for reuse, less to retreat! Energy efficient variable speed disk drives adjust to meet the treatment requirements, saving on energy. Low pressure backwash of just over 4.1 bar saves on backwash energy and puts less strain on the filter...

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Lower Construction Costs • Compact units lower civil site construction costs. Higher hydraulic loading rates allow for fewer units to meet treatment goals - requiring a smaller footprint, less piping, smaller building or slab - lowering overall construction costs. • Above ground installation requires only a forklift or crane to maneuver the units into position, reducing costs. • Modular, "plug and play" make for easy start up. Set units into position, connect the piping and the electrical to the units and you are ready for commissioning. Unmatched Sustainability • Restore or recycle filter...

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Backed by Leopold, the industry leader in filtration, the Ultrascreen® disk filter is supported by Xylem’s network of treatment experts and legendary customer service.

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1) The tissue in plants that brings water upward from the roots; 2) a leading global water technology company. We’re a global team unified in a common purpose: creating advanced technology solutions to the world’s water challenges. Developing new technologies that will improve the way water is used, conserved, and re-used in the future is central to our work. Our products and services move, treat, analyze, monitor and return water to the environment, in public utility, industrial, residential and commercial building services, and agricultural settings. With its October 2016 acquisition of...

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Tutti i cataloghi e le schede tecniche Xylem Water Solutions Herford GmbH (Wedeco)

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