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UNIFEED DIVISION Your specialist in cattle feeding Quality & Technology without compromise Qualità & Tecnologia senza compromessi

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Self-Propelled version at 3 wheels, with cab The Chopping-Mixing-Wagons MUSTANG 3W SELF Series are the tangible result of our cutting edge design and development process to satisfy the needs of a growing number of farmers who need to make use of independent machines but at the same time capable of meeting their investment availability, now more than ever very limited. Versione semovente a 3 ruote, con cabina di guida I Carri-Trincia-Miscelatori serie MUSTANG 3W SELF rappresentano il risultato concreto di un lavoro di progettazione e sviluppo d'avanguardia messo a punto per soddisfare le...

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UNIFEED DIVISION The patended “Double Mix” chopping and mixing system with only two lower augers Chopping and mixing are developed by two special double spiral counterrotating augers housed on the bottom of the box, provided with star-shaped knives and counter-blades, which ensure an optimal cutting of round bales of forage or grass silage and any other product used for the livestock feeding. The ration given to the cows is perfectly mixed, appetizing and respects the organoleptic characteristics of the products. Il sistema brevettato di trinciatura e miscelazione “Double Mix” a due sole...

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MUSTANG V2/3W SELF Series Available with 12, 14, 16 cu.m. capacity, these self-propelled machines thanks to the small turning radius provided by the front steering can operate with GREAT agility even on farms with limited maneuvering spaces and narrow passages. Equipped with the latest technology and featuring a modern design, the MUSTANG W2/3W SELF machines represent the ideal solution for feeding livestock on small and medium farms, ensuring the best results in terms of animal production and health and then a rapid return of investment. The diesel engine Stage 3B with integral electronic...

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UNIFEED DIVISION Disponibili con capacità di 12, 14 e 16 m3, queste macchine semoventi grazie al loro ridotto raggio di sterzata fornito dal sistema anteriore sterzante possono operare con grande agilità anche su allevamenti con limitati spazi di manovra e passaggi ristretti. Dotate della più avanzata tecnologia e caratterizzate da un design moderno, le macchine MUSTANG W2/3W SELF sono la soluzione ideale per l’alimentazione del bestiame su piccoli e medi allevamenti, assicurando i migliori risultati sia in termini di produzione che salute del bestiame e quindi un rapido ritorno...

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Standard equipment >JCB Stage Final 4 diesel engine with electronic control system >General cooling system with anti-clogging radiator >N° 2 high strength steel chopping-mixing augers >LH side chain discharge conveyor 900 x 800 mm (WxL) >Set-up for second discharge side >Automatic tighteners for transmission chains >High strength steel frame >Revolving star-shaped chopping blades >Toothed, demountable, adjustable counter-blades >Rear hopper for milling products >Hydrostatic travelling transmission by gear motor on front wheel >Front hydraulic power-assisted steering unit for tight turning...

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Standard equipment >JCB Stage Final 4 diesel engine with electronic control system > General cooling system with anti-clogging radiator >N° 2 vertical chopping-mixing augers fitted with toothed blades >Rubber front bilateral conveyor (chain on request) 900x2200 mm (WxL) + left rear direct discharge > High strength steel frame > Product containment ring flush mixing box > N° 2 manually operated counter-blades > Hydrostatic travelling transmission by gear motor on front wheel > Front hydraulic power-assisted steering unit for tight turning radius > Rear idle axle > Parking/emergency lever...

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SEKO Industries Via Gorizia, 90 - 35010 Curtarolo (Padova) - Italy | Tel. +39 049 9699888 - Fax +39 049 9620403 | - Our machines are distributed and appreciated all over the world Le nostre macchine sono distribuite ed apprezzate in tutti i Paesi del mondo UNIFEED DIVISION

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  1. Seko Samurai 5

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  2. Buffalo IT

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