Zoomax red
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Zoomax red - 1

High Frequency Anatomical Programmed Generator Console Integrated Veterinary Radiographic Systems Features • The latest in “state of the art” technological design • Easy to use with basic knowledge of radiology • Anatomical or manual two-factor (kVp-mAs) mode operation • 20 or 30 kW output • Low power requirements - no additional transformer needed • Patient tissue density correction • Auto-calibrating program - no special test equipment required • Self diagnostics - easy to service with low maintenance • Future field upgrades include: power increase (AEC) and digital filmless equipment • Conveniently upgrades existing systems • All controls are located in the “work area” - convenience in positioning the patient, adjusting parameters and taking exposures at one location • Wall-mounted, self-contained compact designed generator - no floor obstructions - easy access to full work area Veterinary anatomical programs are standard with the ZooMax systems. The generator can be installed in the table or can be separately mounted on the wall. The exposures can be released by a two-step foot or handswitch. Optional ZXCON2 console with added features • Separate controls for mAs, mA and time • Full control over exposure parameters • PREP Ready indicator • Bucky control (Table / Wall / Off) • Individual AEC field controls • Choice of using two different film speeds • Up to three different views for each APR program • Bucky coupling / SID interlock indication (for future use) In our ZOOMaxREDsystem, the elevating four-way float top table is combined with the ceiling-mounted tube support, which travels the whole length of the table. The system is ideal for trauma situations when multiple tableside use is required. The elevating four-way table will provide for high flexibility, simple patient positioning and minimal heavy lifting. The table top release switch is controlled by convenient foot pedals, which allows for “hands free” operation and placement of the patient. The tabletop side rails serve as durable anchors for restraining, providing placement and subduing of the patient during the procedure. Thanks to the ceiling tube mount, you will have full access to the animal from any side of the table. In addition, there are no rails or cables on the floor to obstuct access to the table. (The system is also available with a floor-mounted tubestand.)

Zoomax red - 2

The heavy-duty grid cabinet, the tray and the 10:1, 103 line grid (alternate grids are available) guarantee excellent exposures. The manual collimator with light beam and optional laser guided positioning system helps to place the patient quickly in the most accurate position for the x-ray exposure. The powerful rotating anode x-ray tube with dual focal spots and over-heat interlock provides for many years of trouble free operation. (A wide selection of x-ray tubes fits in the system.) The ZooMax integrated system is CR or DR compatible and field upgradeable. Upon request, ZooMax systems...


Control-X Medicalのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

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  20. z-table

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