Catalog excerpts

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Heads you win. Tales you win. At 360 Yield Center, we try to develop tools that make you money no matter the year, the weather . . . or even the market prices. Our goal, for any product we bring to market, is to give you a one-year return on your investment. Sometimes, that ROI will come from increases in yield. Sometimes, it will come from cost savings from a reduction of inputs. The last two years have shown how this approach to product development works. In 2015, mother nature threw buckets of water over much of the corn growing regions of the US. That pushed nitrogen deep into the soil...
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TIMING MATTERS mm i-aMa Corn plants use 75% of their annual nitrogen need after V10. By waiting until mid-season, you have time to evaluate nitrate needs and apply more or less UAN to minimize costs while maintaining yield potential. N efficiency is the key. It takes 1.1 units of N to produce a bushel of corn. That's a combination of the "free" mineralized N and supplied N. Too often, we provide the full amount of needed nitrogen with our pre-plant applications. However, with strong mineralization we can get 20-50 lbs of free N. Our goal is manage nitrogen with later applications that allow...
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TIMING MATTERS Manning, Iowa DETAILS Northern Illinois DETAILS The grower compared 360 Y-DROP to typical one-and-done spring applied NH3 with the goal of evaluating timing and placement of N (keeping total N rate constant). Rates were consistent between both applications, with the only changes being in timing and placement. + NH3 applied April 11th prior to planting on April 25th 3 TREATMENTS THROUGHOUT THE FIELD NH3 + Nitrate measurements were taken at V7 and R2 + Application with 360 Y-DROP made at V12 FIELD DETAILS + NuTech Hybrid Seed + 360 Y-DROP application made with John Deere 4730 +...
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TIMING MATTERS o©o fftOnghUrst, Indiana DETAILS The grower, Brenton Peters, ran a comparison of an all pre-plant nitrogen program versus a base plus program with 360 Y-DROP. METHODS PRE-PLANT PROGRAM BASE PLUS PROGRAM Q 180 lbs NH3 + 75 lbs with planter Q 75 lbs with planter Cumberland County, Illinois DETAILS The grower ran a comparison of pre-plant followed by sidedress applications versus pre-plant, sidedress and an additional 360 Y-DROP application with less N applied overall. METHODS WEST CENTER EAST Pre-plant Program Base Plus Program Less nitrogen was applied overall when...
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1 PLACEMENT MATTERS Once you understand that nitrogen moves vertically – not laterally – it is easy to understand why it is critical to place nitrogen as close to the root zone as possible. Only about 30% of broadcast urea lands over the root zone. And with coulter application systems, roots must grow into the nitrogen channel that sits 15” away from the corn plant – that takes time and moisture. Improved efficiency and rapid response comes from placement directly over the root mass.
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PLACEMENT MATTERS ©oo Waldron, WrChgan DETAILS RESULTS fremont, lUnoS DETAILS In this trial the grower compared other management strategies to 360's Base Plus approach. Coulter applications were made at V8 as that was the latest time the grower could get into the field with the coulter bar. With a dry June and high mineralization rates, nitrogen wasn't needed at that time. An application with 360 Y-DROP was also made at V8 to compare placement of N as well. 360 SOILSCAN was used to pull nitrates until results got below 10 ppm at V12 at which point the grower decided to apply additional N...
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Tazewell County, Illinois DETAILS The grower compared in-season nitrogen application of urea with spinner box at V8 vs. 360 Y-DROP at V12. Consistent application rates were used, with the only changes being in timing, product, and application method. NOTE: This year, the environment was extremely favorable for mineralization of organic matter, leaving a lot of natural N readily available to the crop. Because of this, no application was made at V4 or V6 stages. "may' ,06 METHODS RESULTS UREA APPLICATION + V8 measurement: 15ppm of nitrates. 125# of N was applied in the form of urea with...
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COVERAGE MATTERS For optimum pest control, you have to hit the target. For fungicides, that means reaching the top and bottom of the ear leaf. For insecticides, it means getting deep into the canopy and the undersides of the leaves - where the pests live. Those are difficult areas for aerial applicators to hit. Look at the coverage differences on the bottom of the ear leaf between 360 UNDERCOVER (left) and aerial application.
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COVERAGE MATTERS Philo, Illinois DETAILS Tremont, Illinois DETAILS The grower, Steve Hettinger, left two check strips in the test field. The first strip measured the value received from applying nitrogen The grower used 360 UNDERCOVER on a 60 ft. Miller system. * The field was set in blocks with four application strips in each. during the rapid growth period of the corn plant, at V12 via 360 Y-DROP . The second check strip was left to learn how 360 UNDERCOVER This soybean field had multiple row spacings (12”,20”,30”) and * Blocks started from the west: affected plant health with fungicide...
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COVERAGE MATTERS QOQ Danvitte, (tl/nois DETAILS Woweaquai (ttinois On this farm, the nitrogen program included 120 lbs pre-plant/incorporated + 75 lbs applied via 360 Y-DROP so nitrogen was not a limiting factor. The grower, Mark Shortz, used a Hagie STS and 360 UNDERCOVER to apply Headline Amp at brown silk (R1) and a check strip was left through the middle of the field. METHODS O Headline Amp applied via 360 UNDERCOVER at R1 O Check strip left through the middle of the field RESULTS On these farms, the grower, Aaron Downs, used a Hagie equipped with 360 UNDERCOVER to apply Headline Amp...
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North Central Research station - 2016 AGROLIQUID® NITROGEN METHOD OF APPLICATION COMPARISON Stephanie Zelinko | Field Agronomy Research Manager INDUSTRY DATA AGROLIQUID® FOLIAR APPLICATIONS ON CORN AT VT Stephanie Zelinko | Field Agronomy Research Manager DETAILS Water sensitive spray paper was placed within the corn canopy to evaluate (1) how far into the canopy sprayed product penetrated and (2) how much of the leaf's surfaces the applied product covered. Spray paper was placed vertically on the stalk of the corn plant from the top to just below the ear leaf to determine penetration....
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