Catalog excerpts

ADC BioScientific Ltd. are always listening to your research needs, bringing you a comprehensive range of portable, intuitive and cost-effective devices. LEAF PIGMENTS SOIL RESPIRATION Superior soil gas flux analysers for laboratory, greenhouse, field, rapid or remote studies.
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EGNAHCXE SAG FAEL LCpro T Intelligent, Portable Photosynthesis System Accessible, Portable Photosynthesis System Integral data logger to SD card/RS232 Integral data logger to SD card/RS232 Colour, touchscreen display Colour, touchscreen display Enhanced climate control within leaf chamber Programmable RGB or White LED unit Programmable RGB or White LED unit
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EGNAHCXE SAG FAEL PLU6 Independent Light Unit Controller Control our White and RGB LED light units Connect either LCi or LCpro type systems With Small, Broad, and Narrow chambers Control a light unit for independent illumination Flexible output control in 15 adjustable steps for each LED colour Attaches to a photosynthesis system for portability
Open the catalog to page 4
Portable Leaf Area Meter Saves you time by calculating and recording: Area Accumulated area Mean area Diseased leaf area Length Width Perimeter Ratio R = L / Wm 2 Shape factor F = 4π A / P Units: Choice of mm, cm or inches Non-destructive Whole leaf area Diseased leaf area Discoloured leaf area Insect damage Certain roots and rhizomorphs Extend scan using additional surface for: Long leaves Wide leaves
Open the catalog to page 5
STNEMGIP FAEL MPM-100 Multi-Pigment-Meter Accurately measures anthocyanin, flavonol and chlorophyll and computes a Nitrogen-Flavonol Index Available with alternative chlorophyll parameters: CCI Chlorophyll Content Index "SPADa" equivalent to SPAD® CCM300 GPS Chlorophyll content fluorometer Measure very small/thick samples: Conifer needles Turf grass Seedlings, including Arabidopsis Cacti, succulents, Mosses, Algae CCM200plus GPS Chlorophyll Content Meter Accurately determines a relative chlorophyll content index on most broad leaves. ACM200plus Anthocyanin Content Meter Relative anthocyanin...
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Handheld Continuous Fluorometer Compact Modulated Fluorometer with PAR/leaf temperature clip for advanced fluorescence research With 10 lightweight, high quality darkadaption clips for F V /FM and OJIP tests. Fluorescence trace displayed. Plant Stress Kit Comprising an expert Fv/Fm and a Y(II) Meter for both light and dark adapted fast tests, in one handy kit. Meters also sold separately. Both ambient light and dark adaptation parameters determined, including: Fo, Fm, Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo, Y(II), Ft and Fms. Photochemical and non-photochemical quenching coefficients qP, qN and NPQ calculated.
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ECNECSEROULF LLYHPOROLHC PSP32 Monitoring Fluorometer System Continuous, remote sampling and data logging of multiple leaves (max. 32) Fully automated dark-adaption and lightadapted measurements Assessment of the photo-protective efficiency of NPQ (Ruban, A.V. 2017) Detects the widest range of plant stresses; combining probes & sensors EB OT DEVORP 23PSP“ ELITASREV YREV A ”TNEMURTSNI Ruban, A.V. Ruban Lab Testing, QMUL, 2019 iFL Integrated Leaf Gas Exchange and Fluorescence System Measure C3 and C4 plant drought stress and heat stress Measure C3 plant cold stress and CO stress Measure the...
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NOITARIPSER LIOS SRS1000 T Portable Soil Respiration System An exceptionally easy to use, affordable, soil gas exchange analyser ideal for spatial field studies. Intelligent Soil Respiration System Ideal for more advanced spatial and/or temporal field studies where chamber climate conditions are controlled. ACE Automated Soil CO Exchange System Single or networked ACE Stations Open or Closed system assays For Long-term, remote monitoring
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MULTIPLE SOIL/ ORGANIC SAMPLE GAS EXCHANGE EGA60 Series, Model EGA61 Multi-sample Gas Exchange System Monitor CO and H O in as many as 24 soil or other samples in sequence Used for ever-expanding applications from soil toxicology testing to biodegradability standard testing. Lightweight and compact, with wallmounted/self supporting column racks YPPAH YREV ERA EW 16AGE EHT HTIW PUTES DETIMILNU SNOITPO DNUORA EVOM OT YSAE Karl Flowers, Authenticae, UK
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ATMOSPHERE LAST AVAILABLE STOCK END OF PRODUCT LINE LAMBDA T NDIR Monitor to measure CO 2000ppm detection range Used in greenhouses, laboratories and controlled environment facilities CONTACT For pricing and expert, tailored advice. A list of global support centres can be found at www.adc.co.uk Or contact our UK sales and support team via: sales@adc.co.uk (0)+44 1992 464527 www.adc.co.uk ADC BioScientific Ltd. Global House, Geddings Road Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 0NT UK
Open the catalog to page 11All ADC BioScientific catalogs and technical brochures
SRS T series
2 Pages
EGA30 Wall Mounted Analyser
2 Pages
PGA Portable Gas Analyser
2 Pages
Plant Stress Kit
2 Pages
OS30p+ Plant Stress Meter
2 Pages
Soil Respiration Chamber
2 Pages
2 Pages
EGA30 series
2 Pages
EGA 41 series
2 Pages