Catalog excerpts

AM350 Portable leaf area meter The world’s premier portable leaf area meter now with enhanced features and specifications + Real time image display + High resolution + Battery portable + Non-destructive + Fast and simple operation + Integral data and image storage + USB download of image and data ADC: leaders in field leaf area analysis ADC BioScientific is established as a world leader in the development and manufacture of leaf area meters that are easy to use, accurate and reliable even in harsh field conditions. We are now delighted to introduce our fourth generation of portable leaf area meters; the AM350. The AM350 utilises the latest in scanner and data handling technology to set new standards in resolution, versatility and extended portability. Truly field portable The ADC AM350 Portable leaf area meter is a compact, user friendly, field portable instrument for the accurate non-destructive measurement of leaf area and associated parameters. The AM350 consists of a high resolution scanner and scanboard with integral data and image storage. A multi positional carrying handle is provided for ease of use and increased portability. Measurements of leaves can be made on the scanboard plate or on an independent plain surface. The latest in high speed scanner sensor technology, enables measurements to be made faster and easier than ever, whilst utilising the full width of the scanner. There is no need to precisely position leaves on the scan surface. Utilising “state of the art” low power consumption components means that over 3,000 measurements can be made between recharging of the batteries. Area Accumulated area Mean area Diseased leaf area Length Width Perimeter Ratio Shape factor ding t Inclu emen easur the m of aves ide le aves w e ong l an
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Real time image display The large scrolling display screen offers a real time image of the scanned leaf; together with the measured leaf area parameters. By viewing this image, the user can be assured that an accurate and complete measurement of the leaf has been made. Measurements may be presented in mm or cm. The AM350 is the only portable area meter that displays, stores and downloads the leaf image to a PC. Images are easily dowloaded, in either bmp or tif formats, to commercially available image analysis programs. The display orientation facility allows the AM350 to be used in either...
Open the catalog to page 2All ADC BioScientific catalogs and technical brochures
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