Catalog excerpts

ACE Automated Soil CO2 Exchange System • Automated operation Automatically exposes soil area between measurements • CO2 analyser in chamber Highly accurate CO2 IRGA housed directly inside soil chamber assembly Soil flux: an important component of total carbon budget • Compact complete system Rapidly rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and its potential impact on future climatic conditions is an issue of increasing global economic Fully integrated, independent measurement Station and political significance. Soil respiration can be defined as the net CO2 production of a soil. The amount of gas exchange taking place is frequently used as an indicator of microbial soil activity and so is used to characterise the “health” of that soil. The rate of soil flux is influenced by a variety of environmental parameters especially organic matter content, soil moisture and soil temperature. Natural biomass respiration from soil is a major carbon source. Understanding soil flux and its relationship with other sources and Up to 30 ACE Stations may be connected together in an ACE experimental network sinks within the carbon cycle are currently subject to increasing scientific scrutiny in relation to global climatic change. The ADC BioScientific ACE system (Automated Soil CO2 Exchange System) is designed for the long-term, unattended monitoring of soil flux for both temporal and spatial studies. Individual ACE Stations can be used independently or as part of an ACE Network of multiple ACE
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ACE Station Integral CO2 analyser inside soil chamber assembly - designed for superior soil flux measurements Each ACE Station features a highly accurate CO2 infrared gas analyser housed directly inside the soil chamber assembly. There are therefore no long gas tubing connections between the soil chamber and a separate analyser. The close proximity of the analyser ensures accurate, straightforward and robust field measurements. The fastest possible response times to CO2 changes is assured. Any potential gas “hang-ups” or water vapour drop out in long lengths of tubing is avoided....
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Complete system Open and closed operational modes Each ACE Station is a complete, fully integrated soil flux measurement system comprising the aluminium soil chamber, heat reduction parasol and arm that pivots from the control console, where measurements are both displayed and recorded. ACE Stations are available in either a closed system or an open system configuration. Each ACE Station can operate fully independently for single point measurements. The power efficient ACE Station can be powered by battery, solar panel or wind turbine. In both measurement modes with the chamber in the...
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Transparent ACE chambers For applications where there is small vegetation growing on the soil surface, transparent versions of both the open and closed chambers are available for measuring true net CO2 exchange rate within the chamber area. It is recommended that, in applications of high photosynthetic activity, open mode transparent chambers are used. Zero / ambient option For more accurate NCER data, and absolute ambient CO2 measurments each Station can be fitted with a Zero/ambient CO2 concentration option. This includes a CO2 stripper column that provides a zero CO2 reference for each...
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ACE Master control unit The ACE Master control unit is housed inside a weatherproof, steel enclosure that features a graphic display, dual Compact Flash card drive, RS232, up to 30 ACE Station docking ports and 2 battery ports. Full programming and control is achieved using just 5 keys that drive a series of easy to use menus. • Up to 30 ACE Station experiment • 200m diameter experimental area • Easy to set up and program • No connecting gas tubing • Power efficient Although an ACE Station can function fully independently for single point measurements, it is typical that a number of...
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ADC BioScientific Ltd ADC BioScientific is one of the world’s leading developers of high quality, field portable and easy to use gas exchange instrumentation for a variety of geoscience research applications. Technical Specification ACE Station Measurement of CO2 Standard range nominally 40.0 mmols m-3 (0-896ppm at standard temperature For over 30 years ADC’s name has been synonymous with soil respiration research, with an outstanding reputation for both laboratory and field based instrumentation. Today, in hundreds of research institutes throughout the world, ADC gas exchange...
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ADC BioScientific
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SRS T series
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EGA30 Wall Mounted Analyser
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PGA Portable Gas Analyser
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Plant Stress Kit
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OS30p+ Plant Stress Meter
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Soil Respiration Chamber
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EGA30 series
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EGA 41 series
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