Catalog excerpts

Advanced portable pulse modulated chlorophyll fluorometer The most advanced field portable, pulse modulated fluorometer for the detection and accurate measurement of most types of plant stress hWidest range of automated testing protocols (Inc: FV/FM, Yield Y(II), OJIP, Rapid light curves, a variety of Quenching protocols) hAccurate and reliable fluorescence data (Inc: Multi-flash FM’ correction and natural chloroplast migration) hTruly portable, ultra compact and field rugged hTouch screen, colour, graphic display Changing the perception of modulated fluorometers If you have a perception that sophisticated pulse modulated fluorometers always have to be bulky, heavy and complex to use, ADC BioScientific Ltd. would like to introduce to you the compact OS5p+ advanced field portable chlorophyll fluorometer. The OS5p+ is the latest generation of OS chlorophyll fluorometer and is the most powerful and portable research fluorometer yet. Powerful plant stress research tool The OS5p+ employs the proven pulse modulation technique, where a rapidly pulsing excitation light is used to induce a corresponding pulsed fluorescence emission. The sophisticated detection system distinguishes between the pulsed response and the non-pulsed response allowing ambient light, artificial light and dark adapted experiments to be performed. Chlorophyll fluorescence can be used to measure most types of plant stress and also provide detailed analysis of the photosynthetic process. The OS5p+ offers more testing protocols, measured more accurately, than any other portable chlorophyll fluorometer. Automated experiments provided as standard include: FV/FM, Quantum Photosynthetic Yield Y(II), OJIP, Rapid light curves and a variety of Quenching protocols. To ensure the most accurate chlorophyll fluorescence data the OS5p+ enables natural chloroplast migration during experiments and features Quantum Photosynthetic Yield Y (II) with Multiflash-FM’ correction
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Truly field portable The OS5p+ sets new levels in portability and performance for a modulated fluorometer. Weighing just 1.6kg, this powerful and robust battery portable system, offers up to 12 hours of continuous operation from a single charge. The OS5p+ is supplied in a rugged transport case, with shoulder strap and carry bag. The OS5p+ has been designed with the highest degree of automation. Full programming and operation is achieved by a series of simple menus on a large, backlit, colour, touch screen display. Many stress test protocols are pre-programmed into the OS5p+, greatly...
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Widest range of automated testing protocols More than any other portable fluorometer Photochemical efficiency or Maximum quantum Yield. Popular, robust and simple dark adapted test. FV/FM ratio reduces under stress. Can take less than two seconds to perform. Pre-illumination with far red light is also possible. Quantum Photosynthetic Yield Y(II): Also referred to as light adapted quantum yield of PSII. The most widely used light adapted test, sensitive for most types of plant stress. Y(II) reduces under stress. The OS5p+ features multiflash FM’ correction ensuring accurate measurements even...
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Parameters include: For over 45 years ADC’s name has been synonymous with plant physiology research, with an outstanding reputation for the manufacture and supply of truly field portable instrumentation. The OS range of portable chlorophyll fluorometers are proven to be reliable and innovative research tools. The introduction of the OS5p+ maintains our “leaders in portability and ease of use” status. ADC is committed to quality: “Quality of product and quality of service”. From design to delivery, ensuring optimal performance and reliability is of paramount importance to our team of...
Open the catalog to page 4All ADC BioScientific catalogs and technical brochures
ADC BioScientific
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