Catalog excerpts

Monitoring Chlorophyll Fluorometer System The next generation of plant stress probe, for monitoring large populations, automatically and remotely, over long time periods. Automated, remote monitoring in the field, greenhouse or lab. Solar power option. Measure large populations of plants using up to 32 measuring probes. Access live data via WiFi user interface. ‘Daylight dark adaption’ probe with automated shutter, to allow quenching relaxation. Blue and/or red actinic light for use with all quenching parameters and protocols. Chlorophyll content measuring probes. This system uses innovative design to allow measurement of the full range of the latest and most utilised fluorescence parameters (both light and dark-adapted tests), quenching and quenching relaxation protocols. Daylight dark adaption module to measure: Fast reacting xanthophyll cycle/Exciton quenching (qE) Chloroplast Migration (qM) State Transitions (qT) Photoinhibition (qI) 10,000µmol m-2 s-1 square topped saturation flash or FM’ correction option (Loriaux 2013)
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Light Adapted Parameters: Monitoring Fluorometer System Technical Specification Y(II): Quantum Yield of PSII (or ΔF/FM’ or Y) Electron Transport Rate FMS (or FM’): Dark Adapted Parameters: During daylight hours: Loriaux 2013 correction of ETR and FM’ may be turned on/off Photosynthetically Active Radiation Value Leaf Temperature Maximal Fluorescence with actinic illumination using a saturation pulse F: Fluorescence under actinic light (prior to saturation pulse) Quenching Parameters: With red light measuring head only Standard Quenching Protocols: Maximum Photochemical Efficiency of PSII...
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