Tecnofruit (V.2017)
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Catalog excerpts

Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 1

Tecnofruit World leader in fruit harvesting Weltweit führend in der Obsternte

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 2

The TECNOFRUIT fruit harvesting machines currently represent, in terms of quality, productivity and manageability, the most modern and efficient in fruit harvesting machines. Their unquestionable worth is proven by the numerous fruit farms, spread over 27 countries, that have adopted the TECNOFRUIT machines into their production process, achieving incredible results. TECNOFRUIT machines were created for optimizing harvesting processes, but are able to perform many other tasks, making them a true work hub. They can be used year-round: harvesting, green and winter pruning, manual thinning,...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 3

Harvesting Ernte Pruning Baumschnitt Hail nets maintenance A real work center Ein wahres Arbeitszentrum 3

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 4

Efficiency The labour costs involved in the harvest can be reduced by a half, with savings of about 15,000 Euro for every 10 hectares (as shown in a showcase firm) due to a lower number of workers during the harvest, to a higher performance level at worker compared to traditional ways of picking and to a reduction of the number of rejects. All this, together with low running costs allows for a very short amortisation period. Harvesting cost • Erntekosten Traditional harvesting Tradizionelle Ernte Wirtschaftlichkeit Die erforderlichen Arbeitskosten für die Ernte, können bis zur Hälfte...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 5

Efficiency, productivity, quality Wirtschaftlichkeit, Produktivität, Qualität Productivity Picking the fruit of the whole tree in one time (making for a uniform quality), the direct transport of the fruit to the fruit bins, the fact that the workers will be less tired during the harvest, are just some of the points contributing to a higher performance. Produktivität Die Möglichkeit den gesamten Baum in einem Schritt abzuernten (Vermischung der oberen mit den unteren Obstpartien, einheitliche Fruchtfärbung), der Apfeltransport direkt in die Obstkiste, und die Arbeitserleichterung, sind nur...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 6

Technology and efficiency Technologie und effizienz Pruning Baumschnitt Air compressor with tank CF105 Pneumatischer Kompressor mit Lufttank CF105 Air compressor 650lt inside the machine CF110 Luftkompressor 650 lt intern eingebaut CF110

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 7

Productivity Produktivität Traction Zugkraft Adjustement of the speed of the belts Einstellventil der Bandgeschwindigkeit Steering system Lenkung Automatic steering system with ultrasound system Automatische Lenkung mit Ultraschallsensoren Remote controlled operation of the hydraulic platforms Funk-Fernbedienung für die hydraulische Auslegung der Trittbretter Double front wheel and 4 WD Zwillingsrad vorne mit Allradantrieb Automatic steering system with retractable sidebar Automatische Lenkung mit Seitentaster Nets Netze Harvesting Obsternte A special platform for the installation and...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 8

Front wheels Vordere Räder Rear wheels Hintere Räder Service brake Service Bremse Emergency brake/Parking brake Hydraulic negative/Hydraulisch negativ Diesel tank capacity Diesel- Tankkapazität Hydraulic oil tank capacity Steering control Speed range Transmission Lenght (without bins trailer) mm Länge (ohne Leerkistenwage) mm 4.180 1.800/3.000 Höhe (mit Füller unten/oben) mm 2.418/2.910

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 9

TECNOFRUIT CF 105 A compact machine for row distances from 3,00 to 3,90 metres and plant heights to a maximum of 3,60 metres. The generous standard equipment and a complete range of accessories allow the machine to be adapted to the individual needs of modern fruit growers. Equipped with a reliable 3-cylinder diesel engine, it has a fuel consumption and emission level in accordance with the TIER 4 norm. The four lateral platforms (back: 1,25 x 0,36 metres, front: 0,80 x 0,36 metres) permit picking at three picking levels in a very compact machine. As many as six persons can work comfortably...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 10

TECNOFRUIT CF 105 LEVELLING The Tecnofruit CF 105 Levelling is introduced alongside the CF 105 to meet the needs of fruit growers working in hilly regions. The Tecnofruit CF 105 Levelling is equipped with a levelling system which maintains it in an optimal position and ensures the fruit is correctly and carefully loaded. The machine is balanced along the two axes (longitudinal and lateral) by one front piston, two pistons to simultaneously raise the rear section and two pistons for the machine’s independent lateral movement. The balance control can be either manual electro-hydraulic or...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 11

Front wheels Vordere Räder Rear wheels Hintere Räder Service brake Service Bremse Emergency brake/Parking brake Hydraulic negative/Hydraulisch negativ Diesel tank capacity Diesel- Tankkapazität Hydraulic oil tank capacity Speed range Steering control Maximale seitliche Neigung Maximum longitudinal levelling Maximale Neigung in der Länge Lenght (without bins trailer) mm Länge (ohne Leerkistenwage) mm 4.180 Maximum lateral levelling Höhe (mit Füller unten/oben) mm 2.418/2.910

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 12

TECNOFRUIT CF 110 Fruit picking machine for row distances of 3,60 to 4,50 metres and plant heights to a maximum of 4,00 metres. Designed to be multi-purpose, it has a generous standard equipment, including the automatic trailer and the air compressor for 6 to 8 pruning shears. The CF 110 can be employed in many seasonal tasks. Equipped with a 4 cylinder Diesel engine, it has a top speed of 18 km/h. The four lateral platforms have generous dimensions (1,38 x 0,40 metres) which allow the pickers maximum freedom of movement. The high quality which distinguishes all the machines of the...

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Tecnofruit (V.2017) - 13

Front wheels drive Vordere Räder Rear wheels Hintere Räder Service brake (optional) Service Bremse (optional) Emergency brake/Parking brake Hydraulic negative/Hydraulisch negativ Diesel tank capacity Diesel- Tankkapazität Hydraulic oil tank capacity Steering control Speed range Transmission Lenght (without bins trailer) mm Länge (ohne Leerkistenwage) mm 4.900 2.070/3.470 Höhe (mit Füller unten/oben) mm 2.400/2.875

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