Catalog excerpts
ATL Agricultural Technology Ltd Units 1 & 2, Acorn Business Centre, Oaks Drive, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7SY, United Kingdom T: 0044 (0)1638 731212 F: 0044 (0)1638 731174 E: W: ATL Cowculator 2010 is a user friendly and flexible dairy animal management program designed to help you improve your milking performance. It provides complete animal milking and feeding records, helping you to make the best management decisions. Historical data is available for individual animals allowing you to monitor lifetime lactation performance. The program can be used with cows, sheep and goats.
Open the catalog to page 1Animal Information About the Animal Information Screen The animal information screen shows a list of all the animal records stored in the program. The default view shows the animal number, status, group, birth date, national animal number and electronic identification number. The view can be changed to show only heat detection, pregnancy diagnosis, calving, young stock, barren stock or deceased stock. NB - If animal type is sheep or goat, calving is replaced by lambing or kidding respectively. Heat detection is also removed from the list Groups - Each animal is assigned to a group of...
Open the catalog to page 2About the Cow Calendar The cow calendar is a breeding calendar that shows at a glance the current state of the management of the herd. The calendar is circular with animals displayed as colour coded circles, showing which are due to calve, due for service, pregnancy diagnosis and drying off. This highlights animals with irregular heat cycles and also gives an overview of the calving pattern throughout the year. How does it work? The breeding calendar is split into 12 segments, each representing a month of the year. These segments are further split into days in the month. The calendar is...
Open the catalog to page 3Milking Screen Feeding Screen About the Milking Screen About the Feeding Screen The milking screen shows a list of the animals and their milk yield for the current day. The screen also shows the predicted daily yield, deviation, lactation total and days in milk. Different views can be selected to show current milk yield, last 30 milk yields, dated milk yields, production rates, hold milk and slow milker cows. The feeding screen shows a list of animals and their daily in parlour feed and total parlour feed in kilograms. Drafting Screen The view can be changed to show rations with milk...
Open the catalog to page 4The Animal Record The animal record stores information on each individual animal such as position in the lactation cycle, group, date of birth, lactation number, in parlour and out of parlour rations, milk yields and drafting information. Each and every animal has their own record. The first tab on the animal record is the animal status tab. About the Animal Status Tab Date of Birth - The date the animal was born. Age - The age of the animal. Days in Milk - The number of days the animal has been in milk during this lactation. Number of Pregnancies - The number of pregnancies the animal has...
Open the catalog to page 5About the Feeding Tab The feeding tab shows information related to the individual rations provided by the in parlour and out of parlour feeding systems. The tab is split into three sub-tabs - in parlour feed history, out of parlour feed history and feed split. feeding only, percentage split between in parlour and out of parlour, fixed out of parlour and calculated in parlour, and fixed in parlour and calculated out of parlour. In Parlour Feed History - This tab monitors the individual animal’s milk production against the amount of feed provided in the milking parlour. Out of Parlour Feed...
Open the catalog to page 6About the Milk Yields Tab The milk yields tab contains a line graph showing the milk yields in litres for each milking, as well as the total daily yield and the animal production rate. The production rate is the amount of milk the animal produces per minute between each milking. This is used to calculate the predicted daily yield, which provides an indication of whether an animal has met her production rate, and if she has not, can provide an indication of possible health problems. The following information is available: millilitres per minute. Newest Deviation - The deviation from the...
Open the catalog to page 7About the Drafting Tab The drafting tab allows the user to edit when drafting flags come on and go off. The tab shows the attention flags that are currently set against the selected animal. The attention flags are used by the system to sort out animals. The following options are available: Always Off - The attention is always off. Always On - The attention is on until the user turns it off. One Shot - The attention is on for one milking. When the animal is identified by the drafting system, it will be drafted / sorted once and then the attention will be automatically removed. Date Bound -...
Open the catalog to page 8Feeding Options Lead Feeding Lead Feeding Steaming up is the feeding of rations to late pregnant animals in an attempt to promote maximum milk production from the very beginning of the lactation Steaming up usually commences about 4 weeks before the due date Lead feeding is the feeding of rations to newly calved animals building their rations up to the normal rationing level Lead feeding is usually carried out for about 4 weeks after calving The steaming up calculation will only be used when the animal s status is set to steaming up The process will continue until the end of the curve or...
Open the catalog to page 9Manual Feeding Feed Table Manual Feeding Feed Table Manual feeding is where the user manages the animal’s feed, changing feed rations manually, as and when required. The feed table is a very simple way to allocate rations to the herd based upon milking performance. The user sets up the table so that for a given milk yield, the animal will get a set amount on feed. The feed rations can be changed manually for in parlour and out of parlour feeding - each has its own separate entry box. Using the table above as an example, a cow that produces between 12 and 15 litres of milk, will receive a...
Open the catalog to page 10Herd Milk Yield Totals Herd Feed Totals Herd Milk Yield Totals Herd Feed Totals The milk yield totals tab shows all the milk produced by the herd in either daily, monthly or yearly totals displayed graphically. Milk yield totals are coloured blue on the graph. The feed totals show all the feed used by the herd through the feeding systems in either daily, monthly or yearly totals displayed graphically. Feed totals are coloured green on the graph. The feed totals include rations fed through both in parlour and out of parlour feeding systems. If only one type of feeding system is being used,...
Open the catalog to page 11All ATL - Agricultural Technology Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures
2 Pages
4 Pages
ATL Cowculator M5
12 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
Parlour Feeding
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Auto Plant Washers
8 Pages
Cluster Remover Controls
8 Pages
Parlour Feeder Controls
4 Pages
Micro M5 Parlour Control
12 Pages
Milk Pump Control
2 Pages
Milk Meters
16 Pages
Product Brochure 2014
48 Pages
Product Brochure 2015
48 Pages