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Catalog excerpts


VIBRA-SOIL : a Badalini invention After many years of agronomic studying Vibrasoil was developed. The main purpose of Vibrasoil is to help drainage drainage during wet weather and help water rise up during periods of drought. During dry weather this machine assures good water supplies as soil is broken up but remaining in original structure. By breaking up the soil in working depth it ensures that the ground remains porous and airy. As fertile soil remains on the surface it can easily be reached by roots of plants in their early growing stage. This machine vibrates by an eccentric rotary device powered by tractor PTO. The HP required is not much considering the depth. This machine is very useful and provides the opportunity to reduce amount of water for irrigation together with fuel and time saving. BADALINI S.R.L. Registered Office: Strada Delmona 1 46017 RIVAROLO MANTOVANO (Mn) - ITALY Authorized Capital: Euro 30.000,00 i.v. - Vat Number IT 02118990205 TEL. 0039/0376/99149 FAX 0039/0376/99641

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LAVORAZIONE DI DRENAGGIO CON RIPPER O RIPUNTATORI FISSI DRAINAGE WORKING WITH NORMAL SUB-SOILERS TRAVAIL DE DRAINAGE AVEC SOUS-SOULEUSES NORMALES LAVORAZIONE Dl DRENAGGIO CON DRAINAGE WORKING WITH TRAVAIL DE DRENAGE AVEC LE La rottura del terreno av-viene soltanto dove pas-sano le punte, per cui I’ac-qua penetra solo in quelle fessure. The shanks break the soil in stripes, so the water cannot penetrate properly through the earth. La cassure du terrain ad-vient seulement oO pas-sent les dents et pour cette raison I’eau pendtre uniquement danscesfes-sures. Conil rottura 6 uniforme e...

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BADALINI CHIEF FEATURES This machine has been carefully developed only after many years of agronomic studying. It was especially designed for drainage. In very dry weather it assure good water supplies. It vibrates sideways and is able to chop up all heavy and stony soil. The horse power needed is not very much considering the depth that the machine goes down. It has an eccentric rotary device that gives to tines an helicoidal advancement to allow an easier SUPERFICIE ORARIA DI LAVORO con WORKING SURFACE PER HOUR with mod. SURFACE HORAIRE TRAVAILLEE avec VT/TA3 penetration into the...

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All Badalini Srl catalogs and technical brochures


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