Catalog excerpts

Broiler breeder management Globally successful concepts for the secure and efficient production of hatching eggs
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Broiler breeder rearing Goal: a uniform, healthy and vital flock of pullets Every producer of broiler breeders endeavours to control the weight of their birds, aiming for a uniform flock by the end of rearing so the hens start laying at the same time. A uniform flock can only develop if all birds have feeding spaces of sufficient width for simultaneous feeding. Additionally, the speed of replenishing the feeding system must be designed in such a way that the birds receive feed at the same time. This is a prerequisite for the flock to be able to consume the same quantity of feed when a controlled...
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The pullets have to jump onto raised training slats to reach the nipple drinkers, improving their mobility The mobile grader for increased uniformity of young broiler breeders To reach a high level of uniformity during rearing, the young breeders must be weighed and also graded several times in this period. Big Dutchman’s new grading scales Heidy make this task a very straight-forward one. Apart from weighing, the grading process is also incredibly easy to carry out. Heidy grades the young breeders according to three different weight classes (light, medium, heavy) or can select only the...
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Broiler breeder management Convincing solutions for successful hatching egg production The correct housing concept, ideal housing equipment and expert knowledge are prerequisites for successful broiler breeder management. Big Dutchman is your competent partner and provides an extensive product range as well as the necessary know-how! Central components of the housing equipment include: the correct feeding systems for males and females accurate feed weighing systems high-quality nests ideal egg collection systems The Big Dutchman experts will be glad to assist you so the optimal conditions...
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Lateral position of nest and manure pit A popular concept for broiler breeder houses in Northern and South America as well as Asia is the positioning of the nest and manure pit at both long sides of the house. A drinker line as well as suspended or standing chain feeding or pan feeding lines are installed above the manure pit. Males are fed in the centre of the house on the litter. Key ᕡ Automatic single laying nest with two lateral egg belts ᕢ Automatic single laying nest with one central egg belt ᕣ Manure pit with plastic slats ᕤ Nipple drinkers ᕥ Suspended chain feeding line ᕦ Suspended...
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FEEDING SYSTEMS FOR MALES AND FEMALES Chain feeding with the Champion feed chain Conveying speed of 36 m/min Big Dutchman introduced the world’s first automatic chain feeding system as early as 1938. A new era dawned for the poultry industry. Thanks to its robust and simple principle, this feeding system has proved itself a million times over. The basic concept – feed hopper, drive unit, corner, trough and the Champion feed chain – has remained unchanged. The entire system, however, is continuously being improved and adapted to today’s requirements for modern broiler breeder management. This...
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Reference values for the use of chain feeding systems Stocking density (birds/m2): Type of feeding: No. of birds/m trough: cm trough side/bird: Feed demand/bird/day in g: • One circuit should take no longer than 3 to 5 minutes with controlled feeding. View of a broiler breeder house during feeding: suspended chain feeding system • For 36 m/min drives, Big Dutchman recommends a time control. • Every additional corner requires that the maximum chain length be reduced by 12.50 m. • For single-phase motors and for chain feeding in the litter area, the maximum chain length must be reduced by 30...
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ReproMatic and FluxxBreeder The pan feeding system for females ReproMatic is a feeding system that combines chain and pan feeding. Developed by Big Dutchman, it is intended exclusively for broiler breeders. An open feed channel with chain is used to convey the feed. The birds feed from the FluxxBreeder feed pan, specifically developed and equipped with 16 feeding spaces. The integrated volumereducing insert allows the dispensing of small feed quantities so all pans of one circuit can be filled quickly and simultaneously. Distribution of feed in the FluxxBreeder pan View of a broiler breeder...
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Separate male feeding with MaleChain Space-saving, robust and easily accessible Broiler breeders are fed separately according to their sex. This requires a separate feeding system for the males, which is an important prerequisite for high fertility rates and a good chick quality. Only when the males are fed separately from the females can the male breeders be provided with the correct quantities of a specially-formulated feed. MaleChain is a Big Dutchman innovation for which an international patent has been filed. The system consists of an entire chain loop in just one trough. Big Dutchman...
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Please note: MaleChain is now also available for hens as FeMaleChain! Having the entire chain loop in a single trough turns this feeding system into a space-saving option for females as well. FeMaleChain: the new feeding system for hens Feed hose: space-saving and convenient Separate male feeding with MalePan With fixed connection to the Augermatic pipe When a pan feeding system is used, a conveying pipe with auger (Augermatic) transports the feed to the pans. The feed lines are raised until the hens cannot reach the pans. 5-arm grille ideal for 5 to 9 males with or without sliding shut-off...
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FEED WEIGHING SYSTEMS Controlled feeding is a significant factor in broiler breeder management. The birds receive a daily feed ration which optimally meets their needs but also ensures that they do not get too heavy. The feed for both males and females must be weighed very accurately for this reason. Big Dutchman can offer different solutions. FW 99-B feed weigher with day silo Where a day silo is used, the largest daily feed quantity should be considered when planning the silo’s size (approx. 180 g/bird and day). Additionally, the capacities of the FlexVey spirals (0.5 to 4.5 t/h) and of...
Open the catalog to page 11All Big Dutchman catalogs and technical brochures
Vista 360 feed pan
2 Pages
NATURA Visio aviary system
2 Pages
Sharky 430 cleaning robot
2 Pages
Viva 330 feed pan
2 Pages
LED lighting
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems - Pig
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems
12 Pages
OneLite & DuoLite
2 Pages
Alarm systems
4 Pages
Earny 2 heat exchanger
6 Pages
AviMax transit broiler cage
8 Pages
SiloCheck Air
2 Pages
Exhaust air chimneys
8 Pages
Wall fans AirMaster & Co.
12 Pages
UNIVENT-Starter 680-plus
2 Pages
Bird weighing
6 Pages
UniVent poultry cage
8 Pages
Sow management
16 Pages
Egg collection systems
8 Pages
Manure pit systems
4 Pages
2 Pages
Heidy bird grader
2 Pages
CompoTower fermenter
4 Pages
FLUXX 330 & 360 feed pans
6 Pages
PURO air cleaning system
4 Pages
CombiTunnel ventilation
6 Pages
Imperator feed pan
2 Pages
Havito welfare barn
4 Pages
Housing equipment
4 Pages
Automatic feeders
4 Pages
Pekino cup drinker
2 Pages
LED retrofit kit
2 Pages
Milling and mixing systems
6 Pages
NATURA 70 aviary
6 Pages
EggSmart elevator
2 Pages
Cooling Systems
4 Pages
RainMaker pad cooling system
4 Pages
Breezy ventilation control
2 Pages
Porcus air srcubber
4 Pages
CompoLiner composting system
4 Pages
OptiSec Porco belt dryer
4 Pages
Moisture-proof LED lamp
2 Pages
Feed cart FC-V
4 Pages
MultiPan 395 feed pan
2 Pages
BD plastic slat
2 Pages
LED ceiling lamp Helios
2 Pages
Automatic chain feeding
4 Pages
NH3 Sensor DOL 53
2 Pages
Enrichment with PickPuck
2 Pages
AugerMatic feeding system
6 Pages
AviMax sliding broiler cage
2 Pages
Floor systems
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
Residue Treatment
12 Pages
RelaxGo colony nest
2 Pages