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CompoLiner composting system
1 / 4Pages

Catalog excerpts

CompoLiner composting system - 1

CompoLiner Composting dry poultry excrement, broiler manure or separated pig slurry – fast and fully automatically

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CompoLiner composting system - 2

A complete system that comes ready to be connected CompoLiner is an innovative composting system newly developed by Big Dutchman with the following benefits: asy handling; e uided, fully automatic process control; g asy adaptability to the amount of e material to be composted; uick and easy installation. q During the composting process, micro organisms degrade organic material such as dry poultry excrement, broiler manure or separated slurry in an aerobic environment. The dry matter content should be at least 30 percent. The final product is compost: a valuable, organic fertiliser that has...

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CompoLiner composting system - 3

A lane turner mills and homogenises the material A cross conveying auger removes the finished compost Control cabinet for fully automatic control The composting process in CompoLiner is of course fully automatic. An important factor is the directed supply of atmospheric oxygen, which the microorganisms need to degrade the organic material. In combination with the actions of the lane turner, the decomposing material is turned into compost. Sensors continuously determine the temperature and the oxygen concentration in the decomposing material. This ensures that conditions are always perfect...

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CompoLiner composting system - 4

Use of an exhaust air cleaner for significant emission reductions Since emissions (dust, ammonia, odour) are normal by-products of the composting process, the use of an exhaust air cleaner is recommended in certain locations. The chemical exhaust air cleaner developed specifically for CompoLiner is ready to be connected, keeping installation requirements to an absolute minimum. The cleaner is supplied in a 40-foot high-cube container or mounted on a truck. All required technology is already installed in this container; even the acid container can be stored there. Advantages of the exhaust...

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