Catalog excerpts

EUROVENT EU The enriched colony system for layers
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reliable, animal-friendly and hygienic egg production With the EUROVENTEU colony system, Big Dutchman provides you with every thing you need for animal-friendly and efficient egg production. Two of the most important advantages are maximum hygiene and the best possible product safety. The enriched colony system fully complies with the EU Directive 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999*. This means the system meets the following requirements: 4 at least 750 cm2 colony surface area per hen with 600 cm2 usable area; 4 the total colony surface area must be no less than 2000 cm2; 4 colony height no less...
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The advantages at a glance: 4 the proven EUROVENT system is the perfect basis for profitable, high- quality egg production: –> mature technology –> high laying performance –> clean eggs –> minimum share of cracked eggs (115 mm egg belt width) –> healthy hens, low mortality rate –> good feed conversion 4 high functional reliability of all supply and removal systems (feed, water, egg belts, litter, manure removal); rugged design; trouble-free assembly from three to twelve tiers with catwalks; the entire colony front consists of sliding grids that can easily be opened to move the hens in an...
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Nest with curtain and mat insert for undisturbed egg laying The nest is positioned in the centre of the compartment and separated from the rest of the compartment by means of a flexible curtain. The hens are thus not disturbed when laying their eggs. The entire feed trough is available to the hens for feed intake, i.e. no valuable feeding space is lost. The length of the individual curtain strips has been selected in such a way that the nest can easily be monitored by the farm staff. Additionally, the strips can be moved, which means that mites are not attracted to this area. In the nest, a...
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Scratching area with innovative Wellix litter mat The Wellix insert used in the scratching area is a completely new development and has several innovative advantages: 4 compared to the nest mat, the litter mat is of a lighter colour to prevent confusion with the nest; 4 a wave-like profile keeps the litter longer on the mat; the profile of the mat loses some depth towards the trough so mislaid eggs can roll off more easily; thanks to the serrated profile edge, mislaid eggs have only minimal surface contact, i.e. very low dirt risk; high-quality materials guarantee a long service life; the...
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With amacs you are able to manage and monitor one or several houses from any place in the world in real time by means of internet technology. Based on your requirements, up to four functional areas can be controlled - climate, production, egg collection and manure drying. amacs is a modular system and can therefore be extended at any time. All data and results from the individual houses are displayed in graphs, and live pictures are transmitted directly from the house: further advantages of amacs. The farm manager monitors the entire system at the farm controller - any changes are...
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During manure removal, the longitudinal manure belts carry the manure until it is dropped onto the cross belt from all tiers. From there, it can be transported either to a manure drying tunnel or directly onto a transport vehicle. Manure belt scrapers ensure the thorough cleaning of the belts on every tier. The manure chute, made of a plastic tarp and installed in front of the manure belt drive, neatly closes the system in the manure removal area. OptiSec manure drying tunnel Technical data and planning instructions The EV1250/a and EV1500/a system types have the same compartment length of...
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Compartment dimensions Length (mm) 3618 3618 Surface area in the bird area (cm2) 45225 54270 Side viewTop viewType Our recommendation An ideal combination of the individual elements of a layer house project -manure belt system, egg collection, climate and production control as well as manure handling - is the best prerequisite for optimum production results. Inspection cart - easy inspection of the hens The Big Dutchman inspection cart ensures an optimal monitoring of the hen population. It furthermore facilitates moving hens in and out of the upper tiers. The height of the...
Open the catalog to page 8All Big Dutchman catalogs and technical brochures
Vista 360 feed pan
2 Pages
NATURA Visio aviary system
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Sharky 430 cleaning robot
2 Pages
Viva 330 feed pan
2 Pages
LED lighting
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems - Pig
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems
12 Pages
OneLite & DuoLite
2 Pages
Alarm systems
4 Pages
Earny 2 heat exchanger
6 Pages
AviMax transit broiler cage
8 Pages
SiloCheck Air
2 Pages
Exhaust air chimneys
8 Pages
Wall fans AirMaster & Co.
12 Pages
UNIVENT-Starter 680-plus
2 Pages
Bird weighing
6 Pages
UniVent poultry cage
8 Pages
Sow management
16 Pages
Egg collection systems
8 Pages
Manure pit systems
4 Pages
Broiler breeder management
18 Pages
2 Pages
Heidy bird grader
2 Pages
CompoTower fermenter
4 Pages
FLUXX 330 & 360 feed pans
6 Pages
PURO air cleaning system
4 Pages
CombiTunnel ventilation
6 Pages
Imperator feed pan
2 Pages
Havito welfare barn
4 Pages
Housing equipment
4 Pages
Automatic feeders
4 Pages
Pekino cup drinker
2 Pages
LED retrofit kit
2 Pages
Milling and mixing systems
6 Pages
NATURA 70 aviary
6 Pages
EggSmart elevator
2 Pages
Cooling Systems
4 Pages
RainMaker pad cooling system
4 Pages
Breezy ventilation control
2 Pages
Porcus air srcubber
4 Pages
CompoLiner composting system
4 Pages
OptiSec Porco belt dryer
4 Pages
Moisture-proof LED lamp
2 Pages
Feed cart FC-V
4 Pages
MultiPan 395 feed pan
2 Pages
BD plastic slat
2 Pages
LED ceiling lamp Helios
2 Pages
Automatic chain feeding
4 Pages
NH3 Sensor DOL 53
2 Pages
Enrichment with PickPuck
2 Pages
AugerMatic feeding system
6 Pages
AviMax sliding broiler cage
2 Pages
Floor systems
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
Residue Treatment
12 Pages
RelaxGo colony nest
2 Pages