Catalog excerpts

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ADDRESS Ammerlaan Construction Energiestraat 15 5961 PT Horst The Netherlands Postal address P.O. Box 6178 5960 AD Horst The Netherlands Phone +31 77 398 75 48 Fax +31 77 398 59 35 Website www.glassconstructions.eu Email Ammerlaan@kassenbouw.com
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INDEX Specialised in building automated glass greenhouses for all crops Foreword 1 History 3 Turn key projects 5 Business plan 7 Implementation 8 Greenhouse building 9 Screening 10 Heating & Cooling 11 Water technology 12 Electrotechnology 13 Internal transport 15 Innovations 17 LED & City farming 18 Crop protection 19 Management 20 Since 1948 experience in building innovative glass greenhouse projects worldwide
Open the catalog to page 3
FOREWORD INTRODUCTION Ammerlaan Construction is pleased to introduce and inform you about our company and our business philosophy. Ammerlaan Construction is a prominent Dutch greenhouse building company that specialises in fully automated greenhouses. Our products excel in ‘green’ credentials as they are constructed in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way, whereby advanced automation is of crucial importance. Ammerlaan Construction was founded in 1988 as the export department of Maurice Kassenbouw, which has already been operating since 1948. Both companies are located in Horst,...
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Specialised in building automated glass greenhouses for all crops As a result of its long-term experience in the Netherlands and abroad Ammerlaan Construction came automatically to the market for Turn Key projects. On the one hand because of the immediate demand for save and healthy food from the international market, on the other hand because of various business reports following independent research. Ammerlaan is certified by TÜV according to the NENEN ISO 9001:2008 in the Netherlands since 1999 and we are certified as a producer which has CE Factory Production Control. Ammerlaan...
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HISTORY GREENHOUSE CULTIVATION AMMERLAAN CONSTRUCTION The origin of Dutch glass greenhouses lies in grape growing, in particular in several regions of the Netherlands Loosduinen, Aalsmeer, Amsterdam and Venlo. The location of the production were close to large cities and was necessary because of the perishability of the product, short transport time was crucial for the quality of the crops. Maurice Kassenbouw B.V. was originally founded in 1948 by Jac Janssen from Meterik, a small village near Venlo. In this year, the Janssen family had several small businesses. Although Dutch glass...
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MEANS OF PRODUCTION Every successful company thanks its right to exist to a well-considered business strategy and a correct implementation. The means of production to be used are perhaps the most important factor to realise a profitable and high quality end product. Ammerlaan Construction is supplier of the most essential means of production for greenhouse cultivation; the greenhouse itself. Within the Dutch greenhouse cultivation, which lays a leading role in the world, Ammerlaan has built up a reputation in the field of modern and advanced greenhouse construction. Besides the greenhouse,...
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PROJECT IDEA TURN KEY PROJECTS PRELIMINARY STUDY Investing in a modern greenhouse farming company can be very lucrative, whereby the following factors must be closely examined: geographic location, political climate, labour potential, potential markets, funding, subsidies etc. Every project application will first have to start with the so-called preliminary study, on the basis of which it is decided whether the planning and realisation of the project will be feasible and profitable. If this preliminary study shows a positive result, a detailed business plan will be worked out, which is, for...
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BUSINESS PLAN ECONOMY financing production climate labour water
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GEOGRAFICAL SITUATION PROJECT IDEA WATER PROVISING LIQUIDITY FORECAST BUSINESS PLAN After a positive result of the preliminary study, a detailed business plan will be worked out. The project idea will be explained here. In addition, matters will be worked out from the preliminary study; geographic location, political climate, regulatory framework, licences, labour potential, potential markets, funding, subsidies etc. The latter merits special attention and may be of decisive importance when calculating the return on the investment. Potential investors can find all relevant information in...
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IMPLEMENTATION GREENHOUSES COMPLEX The choice of the type of greenhouse will be mainly determined on the basis of the required crop, specific cultivation requirements and the geographic location of the intended greenhouse location. It involves matters such as roof width, type of rafter, ventilation, heating, screening, external light, choice of glass etc. Frequently applied greenhouse types, each with their own specific options, are the standard Venlo greenhouse, the ZON greenhouse and the Wide span. Apart from the cultivation space, other working spaces are also necessary, such as a...
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GREENHOUSE BUILDING Ammerlaan Construction B.V. develops, produces and builds maintenance-free greenhouses, made of highly qualified materials. Greenhouse complexes that meet with the highest technical standards and, with which, a maximum of the cultivation proceedings and a high percentage of quality products are guaranteed in relation to the completed investments. Our product globally find their way to flower and vegetable growers, tree nurseries, breeding companies, plant nurseries, universities and horticultural colleges. SERVICE Service is an approved part of Ammerlaan Construction...
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SCREENING Almost all greenhouses have minimal 1, often 2 and sometimes 3 screens. Standard is an energy saving screen that also can be used to arrange accurately the climate and external light radiation within the cultivation space. In an artificial lighted greenhouse, a black-out screen is used to limit light pollution for cities and neighbours. In susceptible orchids, anthurium, etc. sometimes even 3 different screens are being installed. It also regulates the emission of CO2. Climate screens are the ideal screen to save energy 24 hours a day and simultaneously effectuate an optimal...
Open the catalog to page 13All Big Dutchman catalogs and technical brochures
Vista 360 feed pan
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NATURA Visio aviary system
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Sharky 430 cleaning robot
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Viva 330 feed pan
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LED lighting
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Fresh air supply systems - Pig
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Fresh air supply systems
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OneLite & DuoLite
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Alarm systems
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Earny 2 heat exchanger
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AviMax transit broiler cage
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SiloCheck Air
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Exhaust air chimneys
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Wall fans AirMaster & Co.
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UNIVENT-Starter 680-plus
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Bird weighing
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UniVent poultry cage
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Sow management
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Egg collection systems
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Manure pit systems
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Broiler breeder management
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2 Pages
Heidy bird grader
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CompoTower fermenter
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FLUXX 330 & 360 feed pans
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PURO air cleaning system
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CombiTunnel ventilation
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Imperator feed pan
2 Pages
Havito welfare barn
4 Pages
Housing equipment
4 Pages
Automatic feeders
4 Pages
Pekino cup drinker
2 Pages
LED retrofit kit
2 Pages
Milling and mixing systems
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NATURA 70 aviary
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EggSmart elevator
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Cooling Systems
4 Pages
RainMaker pad cooling system
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Breezy ventilation control
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Porcus air srcubber
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CompoLiner composting system
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OptiSec Porco belt dryer
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Moisture-proof LED lamp
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Feed cart FC-V
4 Pages
MultiPan 395 feed pan
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BD plastic slat
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LED ceiling lamp Helios
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Automatic chain feeding
4 Pages
NH3 Sensor DOL 53
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Enrichment with PickPuck
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AugerMatic feeding system
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AviMax sliding broiler cage
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Floor systems
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Archived catalogs
Residue Treatment
12 Pages
RelaxGo colony nest
2 Pages