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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions
1 / 18Pages

Catalog excerpts

Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 1

Insect farming: invest in the future food chain

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 3


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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 4

We are the perfect partners for your investment in the future. THE BETTER INSECT SOLUTIONS TEAM WE ARE HAPPY TO SUPPORT YOU Better Insect Solutions is the concept and solution has a complete solution for insect farming based on optimally all year round with innovative air cleaning and hub of the Big Dutchman group, comprising the sister in-house products and systems. energy recovery solutions. With 20 years of experience companies Big Dutchman, INNO+ and SKOV. For de in this field, it is the company’s goal to support custom cades, these companies have provided cost-efficient Big Dutchman...

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 6

Insect farming could mend the world’s broken food chain. Insects offer novel nutritional value and health benefits International production volumes are still small to humans and animals and are already used in differ compared to other production areas in the feed and Pet food, aquaculture, poultry, pigs, fertilizer industry ent feed, pet food and food applications. food sector. However, according to various recent market analysis reports, the insect sector has an Over 2,000 insect species have a history of being expected annual growth of 30 to 40 percent, Insect protein meal, fat, frass...

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 7

ESTIMATED ANNUAL GROWTH OF THE INSECT SECTOR 9 billion PEOPLE WILL NEED TO BE FED ALONG WITH BILLIONS OF ANIMALS RAISED EVERY YEAR FOR FOOD PRODUCTION, RECREATION, OR AS PETS. Better Insect Solutions supports the development of the fast-emerging international insect sector as member of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) and the Asian Food and Feed Insect Association

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 8

Professional end-to-end solutions for your insect farm. Building design Air cleaning and heat recovery Frass handling BIS provides the conceptual building design and covers The emissions from insect production contain heat, The larvae produce a large amount of frass on all insect the interfaces between the different parts of insect moisture, greenhouse gases and odor. Our air-to- farms. We offer a complete system for handling this production, e.g. logistics and processing. water air scrubbers can mitigate ammonia emissions product, enabling insect producers to create added and odor while...

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 9


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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 10

Next-generation insect production. CLIMATE SYSTEM AND CRATES BUILDING DESIGN FOR GREENFIELD OR BROWNFIELD PROJECTS All photos from pilot scale facility at Enorm Biofactory. BIS has supplied to this project: climate system, feeding system, air cleaning and heat recovery. FEEDING SYSTEM

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 11

All photos from pilot scale facility at Enorm Biofactory. BIS has supplied to this project: climate system, feeding system, air cleaning and heat recovery. FRASS HANDLING AIR CLEANING AND HEAT RECOVERY

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 12

Our way of working. This is how we approach our projects. Better Insect Solutions has a specific way of working on 2. Feasibility is a stage that requires the involvement 4. Technical commissioning is initiated at the end of new insect farming projects. After a mutual agreement of a much larger project team, consisting of members the execution stage or when the installation of dedicat to work together, the process is divided into five steps, from BIS and the customer. The customer should be ed sections has been completed. from the customer’s business idea to the final stage of able to...

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 13


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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 14

Nursery section Grow-out section Pupa section Fly section Currently, a range of global business models exists, which all have at their core a similar approach based on the bioconversion of by-products. The feeding substrate can be purchased from one or several external suppliers. Other options are using the farm's residual biomass or other waste. Insect farms can be set up as a full-line production site or as a rearing facility (grower) supported by a livestock supplier (breeder). Full-liner The business model of full-line producers includes all life stages of the black soldier fly. It...

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 15

Growing fast: the life cycle of the black soldier fly. FLY SECTION Adults: 5 to 8 days PUPA SECTION GROW-OUT SECTION Larvae: 6 to 8 days NURSERY SECTION Neonates: 5 to 7 days

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 16

We are wherever you need us. That is a promise. BETTER INSECT SOLUTIONS Agro Food Park 15 8200 Aarhus N · Denmark  Regional head office/Logistics center

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Insect farming | Better Insect Solutions - 17

Why you should partner with Better Insect Solutions. → ore than 80 years of experience in innovative M equipment for animal production → ustomized solutions based on proven technology C → nternationally leading systems for insect production I → n-house know-how on insect farming I → ong-term trusted partner getting the job done L SUCCESFUL COOPERATION: FARMINSECT IN GERMANY WWW.FARMIN

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