Catalog excerpts

NATURA Step & NATURA Step XL Welfare-friendly aviary systems for organic, free range and barn egg production
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NATURA Step & NATURA Step XL The stepped aviaries that are well-accepted by the hens and easy to access Big Dutchman has more than 35 years experience with (cage-free) aviary systems: an advantage that is consistently used for customer benefit. The NATURA aviary system was designed with a focus on bird welfare, without compromising functionality and efficiency, which are very important to egg producers. The laying hens easily find their way around NATURA aviaries, can exhibit their natural behaviour and lay their eggs in optimally designed nests. The “Step” concept has proved its worth for...
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0 Longitudinal egg belt Q Wire flooring in front of nest 0 Approach perch 0 First manure belt level 0 Second manure belt level Possible options • Integrated “hop and turn" plates • Additional approach perches • Ramps for going up and down • Additional feed lines • Additional perches • * Also available with a height of 650 mm below the aviary • NATURA Step XL is also available with the 8 cm deeper HD nest version and two egg belts of 450 mm or 400 mm width The different areas of activity are arranged in a way that encourages the hens to move around in the aviary. ■ Nest surface area D Water...
Open the catalog to page 3
Resting zone The top level is used as a resting zone. Equipped with both feed lines and perches, it is possible to install additional feed lines as an option, depending on the stocking density. The accumulating manure drops onto the manure belt below and can be dried by means of a central air duct, as an optional feature. Top tier serving as a resting zone with two feed lines in a NATURA Step system Colony nest Both aviary systems come with the Big Dutchman colony nest. The nest is easy to enter, has a soft insert and a divided tilting floor, increasing nest acceptance. Dirty or cracked...
Open the catalog to page 4
Egg collection Big Dutchman can offer many different options for egg collection, including vertical conveyors and rod conveyors, elevators and lift systems. Vertical conveyors are often used when there is little space between the nest and the cross collection. Elevators, on the other hand, are a good choice for two-level houses or when collecting system eggs automatically, since the eggs will then have to be collected from two tiers. Egg collection with a vertical conveyor and automatic system egg collection by means of an elevator System egg collection Due to the slight gradient of the...
Open the catalog to page 5
EggTrax egg belt drive The EggTrax transfer unit transfers the eggs gently and safely from the longitudinal egg belt (nest) to any connected egg collection system. The reinforced drive unit operates at a speed of 2.6 m/min and is available for different egg belt widths. EggTrax has the following advantages: 4 the integrated egg belt brush keeps the egg belts clean; 4 the transfer unit can be removed singlehandedly and be cleaned with a highpressure washer; 4 tension-adjustable stainless steel wires guarantee a smooth transfer of the eggs while simultaneously allowing feathers, dust and...
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Multi-level house with intermediate ceiling NATURA Step and NATURA Step XL are wellsuited for use in multi-level houses. Big Dutchman can also offer the aviaries with integrated intermediate ceilings. These ceilings can be made of laminated plywood or plastic panels. The entire house surface area on all levels is then available as usable area. The two Big Dutchman intermediate ceiling types do not require additional longitudinal supports, so the airflow under the ceiling is improved because there are no obstructions. Two- and three-level houses are already a Big Dutchman standard. Four...
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The correct lighting concept for optimal light distribution in the house A customised lighting program for the house significantly contributes to successful egg production. Big Dutchman therefore recommends using energy-saving LED lamps, which work together when controlled by a lighting program. The following LED lamps, dimmable from 0 to 100 per cent, are available as aisle lighting: crosswise FlexLED HO tube lamp, installed lengthwise AuroraLED panel light, optionally available with different LED boards, installed crosswise OneLite/DuoLite lamp, optionally available FlexLED bulb as an...
Open the catalog to page 8All Big Dutchman catalogs and technical brochures
Vista 360 feed pan
2 Pages
NATURA Visio aviary system
2 Pages
Sharky 430 cleaning robot
2 Pages
Viva 330 feed pan
2 Pages
LED lighting
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems - Pig
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems
12 Pages
OneLite & DuoLite
2 Pages
Alarm systems
4 Pages
Earny 2 heat exchanger
6 Pages
AviMax transit broiler cage
8 Pages
SiloCheck Air
2 Pages
Exhaust air chimneys
8 Pages
Wall fans AirMaster & Co.
12 Pages
UNIVENT-Starter 680-plus
2 Pages
Bird weighing
6 Pages
UniVent poultry cage
8 Pages
Sow management
16 Pages
Egg collection systems
8 Pages
Manure pit systems
4 Pages
Broiler breeder management
18 Pages
2 Pages
Heidy bird grader
2 Pages
CompoTower fermenter
4 Pages
FLUXX 330 & 360 feed pans
6 Pages
PURO air cleaning system
4 Pages
CombiTunnel ventilation
6 Pages
Imperator feed pan
2 Pages
Havito welfare barn
4 Pages
Housing equipment
4 Pages
Automatic feeders
4 Pages
Pekino cup drinker
2 Pages
LED retrofit kit
2 Pages
Milling and mixing systems
6 Pages
NATURA 70 aviary
6 Pages
EggSmart elevator
2 Pages
Cooling Systems
4 Pages
RainMaker pad cooling system
4 Pages
Breezy ventilation control
2 Pages
Porcus air srcubber
4 Pages
CompoLiner composting system
4 Pages
OptiSec Porco belt dryer
4 Pages
Moisture-proof LED lamp
2 Pages
Feed cart FC-V
4 Pages
MultiPan 395 feed pan
2 Pages
BD plastic slat
2 Pages
LED ceiling lamp Helios
2 Pages
Automatic chain feeding
4 Pages
NH3 Sensor DOL 53
2 Pages
Enrichment with PickPuck
2 Pages
AugerMatic feeding system
6 Pages
AviMax sliding broiler cage
2 Pages
Floor systems
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
Residue Treatment
12 Pages
RelaxGo colony nest
2 Pages