Catalog excerpts

Residue Treatment From the poultry house to the pelletising unit: All you need from one single source!
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We have thought residue treatment through! In addition to egg and meat production, the sensible utilisation of poultry excre ent is m becoming more and more important to modern poultry producers. With OptiSec and OptiPlate, Big Dutchman has effective methods for manure drying on offer. Manure dried by these two systems can be stored safely in special manure storehouses. The correct distribution and transport systems must always be a part of the residue treatment concept as well. Dry manure can be used in many ways, for example as valuable fertiliser. Pelletising the manure helps further its...
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How it works With the start of the manure removal process, the fresh manure (dry matter content of approx. 30 percent) is trans orted from the barn to the p OptiSec filling station. The amount of manure put on the manure belt is determined by weight and measured by electronic load cells. The load cells coordinate the speeds of both the manure belts inside the barn and the belts of the drying tunnel. Two counter-rotating augers spread a uniform layer of manure onto the topmost drying belt and all subsequent belts until the filling process is finished. An emergency stop on every tier ensures...
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Manure belt drive, auger idler, patented roller bearer The manure belt drive features a special pressure unit which makes for good power transmission. Pulling the 1.78 m wide belts loaded with fresh manure forward is therefore no problem. The manure belts are perforated and thus ensure an optimal drying of the manure. An auger with two conveying directions is used as idler for the manure belts. This auger also transports dust as well as manure residues to the left and right onto the next tier for a smooth running of the system. Beneath the bottom tier, an additional manure belt without...
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Filling station with weighing system – supplies fresh manure evenly The filling station, located above the top tier of the dryer, has a slewing belt that distributes the fresh manure evenly over the entire width of the dryer plates. The integrated weighing system allows a uniform height of the manure layer (up to 20 cm). The speed of the plates is adjusted to correspond to the volume flow of the manure for this purpose. This is one of the main prerequisites for a uniform drying process. Filling station: two OptiPlate dryers, installed front-to-front, are supplied by one conveyor belt Drive...
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Ventilation concepts for OptiSec and OptiPlate Using the heat of the barn‘s exhaust air Using the remaining heat of the barn’s exhaust air for the drying process makes sense and is very efficient. Fans push the warm exhaust air into the pressure corridor at up to 4 m3/h and bird. A positive pressure of 30 Pa is used with OptiSec, and up to 150 Pa for OptiPlate. In the pressure corridor, the warm air passes through all tiers of OptiSec or OptiPlate from one side to the other along the entire system length. The perforated manure belts or steel plates ensure that the air passes not only over...
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Unique control for OptiSec and OptiPlate Fully-automatic operation, group control, permanent monitoring of the system The control for the manure dryers, specifi ally c developed by Big Dutchman, has some very clever functions and guarantees a high operational and functional reliability. It can operate as stand-alone solution or as a module of the amacs controller. A separate base unit is installed in an individual control cabinet for this purpose. The operating data can be displayed and checked directly at the touch screen. If a network has been established, all data can also be trans erred...
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Manure storehouses and distribution systems Secure and stable storage of the dry manure and ideal distribution Manure storehouses are an essential require ment for secure and environmentally sound storage of excrement, whether fresh or dry manure. The necessary storage capacity, and thus the size and form of each manure storehouse, is calculated individually, based on the number of birds as well as the breed, the maximum storage time and the available space. For ideal filling of the storehouse, Big Dutchman can offer different systems for manure distribution. Let our experts advise you...
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Supply to the distributor belt View of an H-shaped distributor Manure storehouse with distribution system: conveying system that moves longitudinally The conveying system that moves in longitu dinal direction can be used to distribute manure in all types of manure storehouses. The systems consists of three conveyor belts, which can transport the manure in two directions each. The belts are attached to a rail system. A traction drive moves them longitudinally through the storehouse. Additional conveyor belts with two transport directions are installed between the conveyor belts moving...
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Pelletising dried poultry manure at a capacity of approx. 750 kg per hour Pelletising dry poultry manure and litter from broiler houses is the consequent continuation of clever residue treatment. Why? ecause pellets are easier to store and to B transport. ecause the volume of the loose material B is reduced by approx. two thirds. nd because marketing possibilities are A much broader. With BD PelletBox 750, Big Dutchman presents a system that is ideal for farms or farm complexes from 50,000 to 200,000 layers, for example. The most clever aspect of this system: it is supplied in a container,...
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Pelletising dried poultry manure for large farm complexes With the BD PelletTower, Big Dutchman has developed a clever and innovative solution for farm complexes that house from 600,000 to 1.5 million layers. The BD PelletTower is very space-saving, with a short distance between the pellet mill and the bagging unit. This ensures a high quality of the pellets while keeping breaking to a minimum. BD PelletTower with sanitation unit for 600,000 layers Structure and functional principle The pre-dried manure with a dry matter content of no less than 85 percent (bulk density of approx. 330 kg/m3)...
Open the catalog to page 11All Big Dutchman catalogs and technical brochures
Vista 360 feed pan
2 Pages
NATURA Visio aviary system
2 Pages
Sharky 430 cleaning robot
2 Pages
Viva 330 feed pan
2 Pages
LED lighting
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems - Pig
12 Pages
Fresh air supply systems
12 Pages
OneLite & DuoLite
2 Pages
Alarm systems
4 Pages
Earny 2 heat exchanger
6 Pages
AviMax transit broiler cage
8 Pages
SiloCheck Air
2 Pages
Exhaust air chimneys
8 Pages
Wall fans AirMaster & Co.
12 Pages
UNIVENT-Starter 680-plus
2 Pages
Bird weighing
6 Pages
UniVent poultry cage
8 Pages
Sow management
16 Pages
Egg collection systems
8 Pages
Manure pit systems
4 Pages
Broiler breeder management
18 Pages
2 Pages
Heidy bird grader
2 Pages
CompoTower fermenter
4 Pages
FLUXX 330 & 360 feed pans
6 Pages
PURO air cleaning system
4 Pages
CombiTunnel ventilation
6 Pages
Imperator feed pan
2 Pages
Havito welfare barn
4 Pages
Housing equipment
4 Pages
Automatic feeders
4 Pages
Pekino cup drinker
2 Pages
LED retrofit kit
2 Pages
Milling and mixing systems
6 Pages
NATURA 70 aviary
6 Pages
EggSmart elevator
2 Pages
Cooling Systems
4 Pages
RainMaker pad cooling system
4 Pages
Breezy ventilation control
2 Pages
Porcus air srcubber
4 Pages
CompoLiner composting system
4 Pages
OptiSec Porco belt dryer
4 Pages
Moisture-proof LED lamp
2 Pages
Feed cart FC-V
4 Pages
MultiPan 395 feed pan
2 Pages
BD plastic slat
2 Pages
LED ceiling lamp Helios
2 Pages
Automatic chain feeding
4 Pages
NH3 Sensor DOL 53
2 Pages
Enrichment with PickPuck
2 Pages
AugerMatic feeding system
6 Pages
AviMax sliding broiler cage
2 Pages
Floor systems
4 Pages
Archived catalogs
RelaxGo colony nest
2 Pages