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UNIVENT Starter rearing poultry cage
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Catalog excerpts

UNIVENT Starter rearing poultry cage - 1

UNIVENTStarter The professional manure belt system for successful pullet rearing

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UNIVENT Starter rearing poultry cage - 2

UNIVENTStarter – the rearing system for experts The UNIVENT Starter rearing system from Big Dutchman is a true bestseller. This well-proven system not only provides excellent rearing results, but is also of a high quality. To meet the varied requirements of all our customers in an ideal way, we offer UNIVENT Starter with and without manure belt ventilation. UNIVENT Starter consists of two different tiers to satisfy the differing needs of both day-old chicks and pullets: 4 the start tier and 4 the grow tier. The quality and uniformity of pullets are crucial factors with a decisive influence...

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UNIVENT Starter rearing poultry cage - 3

The grow tier After approximately six weeks, the birds are distributed evenly to all tiers of the system. UNIVENT Starter is also available without grow tier, i.e. with start tiers only. Feed supply The birds eat directly from the feed trough. The adjustable rail in the start tier should be at the very bottom so that pullets eat over the rail until they are moved out. The feed chain has a speed of 12 m/min (18 or 36 m/min are available as an option). Water supply In grow tiers, the nipple drinkers are fixed at the back wall of the cage, where each bird can easily reach four stainless steel...

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UNIVENT Starter rearing poultry cage - 4

Technical data System type UV-S 680/UV-S 680a System height (X) mm 3 tiers 1990 2110 4 tiers 2580 2740 5 tiers 3170 3370 6 tiers with catwalk 3960 4200 7 tiers with catwalk 4550 4830 8 tiers with catwalk 5140 5460 Tier distance (V) mm 590 630 Height tier 1 (W) mm 390 420 System width (Y) mm 1700 1700 Cage depth (Z) mm 680 630 Cage height mm 405 415 Cage length mm 1206 1206 Cage area cm2 8200 7598 Birds per cage 30 28 – with 270 cm2/bird 27 25 – with 300 cm2/bird 25 23 – with 330 cm2/bird Rows/aisle width cm – at a house width of 12 m 4/104 4/104 Cage cross sections UV-S 680 – grow tier...

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