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Catalog excerpts
![TrendPlus REVERSE - 1](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168640/trendplus-reverse-218_1m.jpg)
Open the catalog to page 1![TrendPlus REVERSE - 2](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168640/trendplus-reverse-218_2m.jpg)
The innovating ventilation system "IWerse" has been produced from the technicians of Caffini Company since 2001; so the "news" presented from many competitors, is a technology born and develo- Reverse, with the new "contrary" suction system 1) to avoid the suction of leaves, grass and mul- ching residuals from the ground. 2) to avoid to spray the chemical mixing to the tractor direction 3) to avoid to inhale the chemical fog. 4) to contain the drift of the chemical mixing 5) to have high performances thanks to the new fan group "Multi-air" Das Spezial-Geblase IWerse' wurde von Caffini vor...
Open the catalog to page 2![TrendPlus REVERSE - 3](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168640/trendplus-reverse-218_3m.jpg)
sndPlus "REUERSE" - STANDARD EQUIPMENT - CTAH, Can-washer unit (optional) in the basket allows the environment waste disposal of the chemical Kanisterspulung (optional) in Einfiillsieb, fur die umweltfreundliche Reinigung der Chemikalien- YCTpOMCTBO All MOMKM KHHIICTp (OnUMfl) B cpeay OTxoflaMid XHMUKHTOB. Motorized Valve kit "Compact" composed by 2 electric valves for the distribution on left and right side, pressure adjustment on the pump, self-cleaning filter and Armatur "Compact": komplett mit 2 Messing- Motorventile fur die Verteilung rechts/links, Druckverstellung an der Pumpe,...
Open the catalog to page 3![TrendPlus REVERSE - 4](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168640/trendplus-reverse-218_4m.jpg)
The emptying form the top side through a cord it avoids all the contacts of the operator with the chemical mixture. Durch die Entleening des Behalters von oben mit Handgriff vermeidet der Benutzer CJIMB pacTBopa n3 eMKOc™ ocymecTB^fleTcs nepe3 Bepx c noMombio KOHTaKTa onepaTopa c xnMnnecKUM Premixer: for the preparation of the chemical mixture both with powder and liquid. An automatic system allows the emptying of "Premixer" without any inhalation or Premixer: Einspiilbehalter fur die einwandfreie Vorbereitung der Mischung (Pulver und Fliissigmittel). Ein automatisches System erlaubt die...
Open the catalog to page 4![TrendPlus REVERSE - 5](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168640/trendplus-reverse-218_5m.jpg)
air suction first air outlet second air outlet “V” air recovery: allows to use the air produced by the fan in the lower part of the fan group and to direct it to the high part of the vegetation. Thanks to this air recovery it is possible to reach treatment places till 2 meters higher and 3 meters wider then with the standard equipment of the machine. Lufteinsaugung Erster Luftaustritt Zweiter Luftaustritt „V“ Luftruckgewinnung: verwendet die vom Gebläse im unteren geschloßenen Teil des Gebläseaggregats erzeugte Luft, wobei sie nach dem hohen Teil kanalisiert wird. Dank dieser...
Open the catalog to page 5![TrendPlus REVERSE - 6](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/168640/trendplus-reverse-218_6m.jpg)
The mist-blower sprayer "Reverse OListar" is a special version of the machine studied for treatment in olives trees and all plantations with big foliage trees like walnut trees, cherries trees, plum trees and citrus. Das Spriihgerat "Reverse Olistar" ist eine Sonderausriistung fur die Maschine und erlaubt die Behandlung von Olbaumen und Pflanzen mit grofcer Krone wie Nussbaum, Kirschbaum, Pflaumenbaum und Agrumenpflanzung. A BeHTiwflTopHbiM Me/iKOAMcnepcHbiM onpucKHBaiejib "Reverse Olistar" - 3TO cneuiia/ibHaji Bepcus onpbiCKMBaTejieii, npeAHa3HaH6HHbix ana o6pa6oTKM OJIMBKOBIJIX AepeBbeB M...
Open the catalog to page 6All CAFFINI SPA catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
8 Pages
Standard Fox
8 Pages
10 Pages
4 Pages
16 Pages
Prestige Plus HBL-HBM
17 Pages
Prestige Plus 045
12 Pages
Prestige Plus 4500-5500
14 Pages
Spray Trakker 2000 LH
5 Pages
Spray Trakker 5000 H
5 Pages
Trakker Mais 3000
4 Pages
Trend & Trend Plus
6 Pages
Tag 0
2 Pages
Speedy & Speedy Reverse
4 Pages