Catalog excerpts

PIXY 45T - 4 STEERING WHEELS P Standard set-up 1 Diesel Isuzu 38 Hp/28Kw 3 cylinders Hydrostatic transmission with 4 radial piston hydraulic motors - 4WD Electric differential Water cooling Telescopic boom Self-levelling with double cylinder Hydraulic oil flow output 60 lit/min Articulated chassis with 4 steering wheels AST system (Anti Stall technology) Oscillating rear axle system 10 function joystick 12 V power outlet “Horsetract” system coupling plate Digital dashboard with acustic warnings signals Reverse drive with buzzer ROPS & FOPS protections Working- lights (2 front+1 rear) Wind screen with wiper Seat with headrest and armrest with security belts Skid wheels PR10 10/16.5 Size (WxLxH): mm 1350x2520x2200 Weight: Kg.1950 CAST GROUP UNIPERSONALE s.r.l Via Taglio Sinistro, 63/B 30035 Mirano VE Italia tel. +39 041 5701827 fax +39 041 5726786 w w w. c a s t - g r o u p . i t info@castgroup-miniloaders.co
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