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Catalog excerpts

CVHHatcher - 1

Hatcher MASTER Reliability, Proven Performance and Energy Efficiency Improved airflow and cooling capacity keep chicks cool and comfortable • Fan cart delivers uniform airflow allowing the hatch to progress naturally while eliminating chick down build-up on copper coils, maximizing chick comfort for an optimal hatch • High-capacity cooling coils maintain the appropriate temperature inside the hatcher baskets Flexibility and low maintenance • Standard smooth fiberglass walls and roll out fan cart facilitate ease of cleaning • Limited moving parts simplify the CVH maintenance requirements • Capacity from 10,000 to 15,000 eggs Control options • User-friendly Genesis M (GeM) control with PID temperature control and bright LED indicator lights • Access any feature of the hatcher through the touch screen of the intuitive and easy-to-use Genesis IV Control

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All Chickmaster catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Aria

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  2. CC3

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  3. Zeus RiO

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  4. Classic

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  5. Encore

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  6. Get Rockin'

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  7. Avida

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Archived catalogs