Catalog excerpts

Feed Weighing Systems Load Cell Indicator Control is simple to operate for monitoring feed bin weights. Feed Management Systems Our CHORE-TRONICS Feed Inventory System provides an economical means for managing and monitoring feed stored in feed bins on the farm. Producers easily check feed bin weights by using a read-out screen. Getting precise Easy-to-read four-line viewing weights aids in better managing feed invenscreen always remains lit. tories and helps to prevent costly outof-feed events. Designed to work as a stand-alone system, the feed inventory system also can be connected with Chore-Time’s popular C-CENTRAL™ Software to provide remote Load Cells handle up location and multiple house to 10,000 pounds monitoring. Let’s grow together™ Chore-Time’s Mechanical WEIGH-MATIC System uses a reliable beam scale attached to a weigh bin to meter out the amount of feed you select. Chore-Time’s Digital WEIGH-MATIC System keeps an inventory of the amount of feed in storage at all times without the use of a secondary weigh bin. The system includes temperature-compensated load cells and has two Digital Scale Indicator options. Feed moves from the larger storage bin through a feed screener atop the smaller bin for weighing. The screener is designed to screen foreign objects out of the feed. Two mechanical scale models are available: a 5,000-pound (2,268-kg) scale and an 8,000-pound (3,628-kg) scale. Let’s grow together™ A DIVISION OF CTB, INC. A BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY COMPANY Chore-Time’s ALL-OUT® Feed Management Systems Make Feed Storage Chores Easier & More Convenient Choose from a wide variety of sizes and optional features. • With a variety of models to choose from, Chore-Time’s feed bins all come standard with our HYDROSHIELD Weather Guard, SPRING-LOCK Lid and High-Capacity 40° Roof. Visit our website to find your independent authorized Chore-Time distributor. Complete Production Equipment for Broilers, Breeders, Turkeys and Eggs CT-2514/201503 Count on Chore-Time for experience, reliability, performance and confidence. • Optional features include our ACCESS PLUS Hopper Access Door, SHAKER-PLATE Material Flow Control, Ladder System Handrail, Ladder Security Door, Boot Slide Actuator
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ALL-OUT® Feed Management Systems Chore-Time has been providing feed bins to the poultry industry since 1957 and led the way in updating its bin design to include features that provided solutions to common industry problems. Chore-Time's Feed Bin today continues to feature the strength, quality, design and warranty backing that result in a bin you can count on for years of reliable service. Features and Optionsfor ALL-OUT® Bin Performance Let's grow together™ • Chore-Time's Feed Bins are manufactured to our exacting quality standards in our own factory. • Body sheets are formed with the...
Open the catalog to page 2All Choretime catalogs and technical brochures
Heating Systems
8 Pages
CHORE-TRONICS® 3 Controller
7 Pages
8 Pages
3 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
4 Pages