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Catalog excerpts

ULTRA200/200A - 1

KEY FEATURES 5kW Monobloc (110kV/200mAs) Power Selection - ULTRA 200 : Rechargeable battery powered - ULTRA 200 A : AC line powered Free Stop Tube Arm 180˚ Lateral Moving Arm 360˚ Rotational Wheels Auto SID display Motorized Collimator Upgradable DR

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ULTRA200/200A - 2

Free stop tube arm for fast and accurate patient positioning Easily upgradable DR solution with tablet PC Ultra200 (Rechargeable Battery Powered)

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All Ecoray catalogs and technical brochures


    6 Pages

  2. generator

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  3. ULTRA 100

    2 Pages

  4. ecoview 300

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  5. ultra 200

    2 Pages